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Fireball Lures

Working with RTV

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Yup, one part molds are great to start with, you shouldnt have any problems as long as you have a good master to work with & a correct mix ratio.

RTV will pick up every detail, so just make note of that,

Also keep accurate measurements on the a-b mix ratio, hopefully you have 1:1, but if not, a set of scales or good measuring cups spoons definately help. I use 3 different kinds, a 1:1, a 10:1 & then an 20:1 i use for casting lead.

you'll need to anchor the master in the container somehow, like Bruce said, that will depend on the material its made from, as long as its not porous, you wont need a mold release/sealer, the glossier the better.

always pour in the lowest spot & let the silicone slowly rise up around the master. Sometimes when I do a intricate mold, I"ll use a disposable brush & lay on a thin coat, then pour.

good luck Nate

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