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Fireball Lures

Lure Buisness for sale

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Hey has anyone seen the molds that are being sold on ebay? Someone has a whole buisness for sale on there not sure how many molds they have but by the pictures it looks like a ton.. They don't look like RTV to me or metal some sort of plastic, clear plastic anyone have any idea what they are made of? Most of them were smaller baits that I could see lizards and craws. Pretty cool molds though they are on one big sheet.


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I dont know, why would anyone auction off their 50k business and not sell it locally, the molds do not look like they would work for hand pouring, he said he already sold off the machines so I assume these are for injection or vacuum type machines. In order to buy a business, wouldnt tou want to see theit financials just to see howe they did and what kind of a client base they have established. The molds shown do not look that great (styles that is) to me, just my 2 cents. I will still watch it to see what it goes for.

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I emailed him twice asking him what the molds were made of and what the name of the company was. He didn't answer those questions. Wondering why the auction description begins with, "NO SCAM HERE PEOPLE!!!!". I wouldn't have suspected a scam until he said that. Maybe not a scam but something fishy (like maybe it wasn't his company and he doesn't know much about it.) He said that they molded baits from rubber compounds and polyacrilamide. Is plastisol the same as polyacrilamide?

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Polyacrylamide is nothing like plastisol. It's actually an electrolysis gel used mainly for weight loss programs. If you've ever heard of the "Ab Energizer", it's a weight belt that supposed to build your ab muscles by electronic muscle movement. The gel that comes with the pack is almost pure polyacrylamide used as an electronic conductor.

I only know this because I have the ab belt, and it sucks. :lol:

Guess that's why you can get one now for less than 10 bucks. :rolleyes:


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