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Recomendations for Molding With A Soft Plastic Master

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Gents/Ladies I've been wandering around here for some time reading all the relevent mold making information. From reading most people appear to be using their own clay or hard masters for creating their molds. I just want to be able to replicate some of my hard to find softies (im based in australia and good softies are hard and expensive to find). I've been trying for some time to get the two piece plaster mold thing working correctly but after my 3rd kilo of plaster I have had enough. I just can't replicate the detail and when I do the plastic pour just isn't shiny enough , even with a good modge podge coating .

Do I go to RTV or do I follow Gators silicone clam mold for what Im trying to do ? And will either mold produce a shiny softie ?

How to I create a two piece mold with a softie as the master since its near on impossible to bed it into clay, plasticine etc ?

Is there anything I can coat the softie in to make it set hard so I can use it as a master ?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm now pulling my hair out. Regards

The HIde

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