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del-mart molds

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Mix the plastic/salt to how you want it,

tip the mold slightly to one side,

then SLOWLY pour the plastic in. This way you get no trapped air pockets and the mold fills to the top.

Del makes them with a verry large opening to aid in the pour. It takes just a verry little practice. But then once you have it down you can click through a bunch of baits really pretty fast.

TIP 2 color senko's::if you do have a production pot, the nipple fits easialy into the opening of the mold. Lift the handle 1-4 seconds to get your first color into the mold, then follow up with the main color.

I use a chartreuce/watermelon that I truely love. The tip shines like a beacon on cloudy days. See the pic below.










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I agree, Del makes a great mold! I have the 4.25" and it makes senkos as good as Yamamoto! Very easy to get the hang of, maybe 2 days?!!!

As for the 2 color senkos, I make the same as Merc. Watermelon with a chatreuse tail. They come out great but I do it a little different. All I do is use a small 1 cup pyrex container for the chartreuse and a larger one for the watermelon. Works great! I pour right out of them with 000 problems.

Good luck!


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