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beginner at pouring and need advise

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Hello everybody,

i've been looking for a site to learn pouring and molding (as i'm a beginer) and i find tackleunderground.com, it's the place to be, very great.

here is my problem, i would like to mold javallon plastic lure from imakatsu, you can see them at http://www.imakatsu.co.jp/products/pro_a018.html

they have incredible swim and fish love them (since i get them i only fish with it)

as i get a very few (very hard to get) of them i would like to make a mold to pour my own but as i say i'm a beginner and i would like to know the best way to mold it.

i was thinking of a 1 part mold, would it work?

Please let me know your advise.

Thank you,


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Eric, welcome to TU :)

I have looked at that bait several times. Because of the geometry of the bait, I really think you will need to make a 2 piece mold in order to have the swimming action stay the same. By making a 1 piece mold of that bait, you will be loosing the curvature of the back and the tail will be perfectly in-line with the back.

There is an ebay user that sells those baits on occassion. user id: ginrinpeche

If I were you, I would practice making some 2 piece molds out of plaster on a bait that you have plenty of. Once you are comfortable with the plaster, then attempt to make one of the Javallon.

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My friend has one he bought off Ebay but it was pricey 8O !!!!! He has only thrown it in a pool so far as he is saving it for a trip to Mexico.

What an action filled bait!!! I'm sure it would have to be a 2 peice mold and it will be hard to duplicate those joints well.

My buddy's biggest fear is that a smaller (less than 12lb) fish will rip the back end off before he gets his trophy :censored: !!!


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I've made a 2 part mold from a javallon that a friend gives me.

for my first attempt , i think the mold is rather good even if there a few bubbles (next time it will be better). i didn't find anywhere to buy soft plastic to pour, so i tried with old soft lures. i heat the plastic on a hotplate and i pour it (a few part burned). the result was awfull only the half of the mold was filled by plastic. how should i do to pour correctly, as the mold has 3 sections of 2mm large.

i think my plastic was not hot enought, is microwave technic better to get a very liquid plastic (plastic i poured was rather thicky)?

Thank you.

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