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Lacquer paints

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I bought a set of lacquer based paints from Jann's sometime ago and just recently decided to use them. The problem is is that they've been sitting around and it seems that the pigment has settled on the bottom and the lacquer is at the top. These are small bottles and it would be difficult to mix with a stick or something. Is there a way to mix this stuff thoroughly? If so, what's the best way to go about it? BTW, it seems that about half of the paint has evaporated!

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Jaime,this is kind of lenghty but bare with me LOL.

From what I understood it seems the paint was sitting in the original container for some time.

Here is my advice:

1st there are a few things you will need.

A-Some lacquer thinner.Not the grade from Lowes and Home depot but some good "primer grade" lacguer thinner(available from auto paint store)

I will add that a topic came up some time ago where a member asking what thinner was best to use with Jann's Lacquer.I have never used Jann's but immagine that the thinner I mentioned will work.Maybe Another member can guide you to the best thinner to use.

Safety:Be sure to do this in an area with good ventilation and away from any type of flame source.Outside is a good place LOL.Away from the Grill LOL.

Use protection for your hands(latex gloves work good)The gloves typical of what my wife uses when cleaning the oven are good as well.

B- Some copper coated BB's (don't use the nickel plated BB's)

C-Something to strain the paint through(I use the throw away cone filters available from the auto paint store 100 for about $11.00)

D-some type container resistant to corrosives to transfer the paint into while straining.

2nd,add the lacquer thinner and about 6 to 10 BB's to the Jann's container and replace the container lid.

3rd,shake the container like hell.

4th,transfer the thinned paint through the cone filter and into the clean container mentioned above.

5th,if you dont want to store the re-vitalized paint in the container it was strained and transfered into,then clean the original jann's container very good and Strain back into the Jann's container.

Now your Lacquer paint is revitalized and all the little particles from sitting idle are gone.The paint is clean as a whistle.

BTW.What ever container you use leave the BB's in! then ever so often shake the container well to keep the paint in good condition.Add a little thinner now and again as well.

Remember the thinner may evaporate over time but the Solid pigments in the paint will last a long time.You can even add a little clear to srtetch the paint a little.

Hope this helps.Blades

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