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Tandum Bucktails Help...

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How do you connect a tandum bucktail... i am kinda stuck trying to figure this out... im looking at a Mepps Musky killer... and a BlueFox.... and im just confused.... anyone with any information... your help would be greatly appreciated....

---- MUSKY... all other fish are just BAIT ----

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they use a small length of wire to connect the two hooks.

the first hook is split rinded to the loop on the main body wire shaft, the second one is split ringed to the small lengthen wire that is in turned run up the back side of the third hook of the treble hook, then it too is split ringed to the main wire body loop right next to the first treble hook.

i have bought a tandem buck tail and a single buck tail for the big boys and gone over it with a comb to find out just how they do things.

you might wanna do the same, its not coping if you change the looks, its just learning how "they do it"


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The easiest way is to use a clevis and a split ring.

Attach the hook to the split ring and then insert the clevis through the split ring and then feed the clevis onto the wire shaft.

The advantage of that is -- should the hook get smoked, you just take it of of the clevis and replace it.

Hope that make sense.

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