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mold making question

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I just made a sassy shad type bait with a split belly like a Zoom Fluke out of wood and I need to mold it just like a one piece fluke mold. What should I use...plaster or resin? Also, depending on which method, should I seal the master with some acrylic? The tail section of the bait is somewhat fragile and I was also concerned with demolding the wooden master without breaking it so I can use it again. Should I use some sort of release agent, and if so, what kind, and can it be used on resin or plaster? Thanks for all you guys help!


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Make sure you seal it, regardless of the mold medium you choose. I don't recommend resin for molding hard masters. Resin molds very tight. It shrinks around it's subject and doesn't have any flex to remove your master.

If you did get your master out without breaking the mold, you would almost definately have to destroy the master :censored:

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Thanks Woodsac. I kinda figured the shrinkage might be a problem with the resin. Do you think I'll need a release agent like Vaseline on the master with the plaster? If so, will it affect the detail of the mold or leave an undesirable finish? Would you recommend a different release agent? Thanks for the quick response!


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Don't use plaster. You will break your master. Use silicone caulking (you'll find that in the tutorials) make your first mold. Then pour several baits out of it. With those baits you then make your resin mold. A lot cheaper than 2 part silicone. Post a pic when you're done.

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