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Paint mixing/thinning tip

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Hey everyone, I have a little tip that might or might not help some of you out when it comes to mixing and/or thinning paint.

We've all experienced it. Not enough jars. I've figured out that the plastic canisters that 35mm film comes in work great, but only if you use the Fuji ones. The lid on the fuji canisters snap in very tight and do not let any liquid escape at all. Great for putting some paint and thinning agent in and shaking like mad! You can then write on the canister with a sharpie, labeling the color, mix date, etc. WARNING: Do not try with lacquer based paint. I'm sure you all know that, but acetone or lacquer thinner will eat these.

Works great with acrylics (Createx or Wal-Mart, etc.)

Hope this helps someone out!


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Wel i'm using the containers used to give "crap" sample in hospitals(of course not second hand ones, but sterilised ones). Made a hole in one's cap and bent a plastic tube(one that matches with the airbrush), and to that I atatched a straw, and that's all folcs.

I have about 20 of them or even more. I made them as soon as i got my airbrush because i noticed i would be trowing a lot of paint if i wouldn't do this B)

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