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Amazing Trophy

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Hey all, I saw this guys work on ebay and am going to have him do some custom work for me and wanted to show off what will soon be in my den.

I had a skin mount done earlier this year on an 11.3 pound largemouth and although I love to see her on my wall I will never again take another giant fish to a taxidermist. Its replicas for me from here on out and these are better than fiberglass to me.


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Hey Jim! What happened, did you find one of those bad taxidermists? I've seen some that really mess up a nice mount. Then I've seen some who will make that fish look like it's jumping right off your wall.

My Dad who was a man of many talents was also a taxidermist. I have a 14-foot rattle snakeskin mounted on a board, a shoulder mounted black bear and many fish. Most of this stuff is stored away due to lack of room to display them and also a wife who puts up with most of what I do except to have a bunch of dead bodies all over the house.

My Dad use to repair fish mounts from other taxidermist who did a pretty bad job on some mounts.

You just need to find a good one somewhere. A hand carved fish, although they are beautiful, is not the same, It can?t replace a real mount, and the story behind it.

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No the mount looks great, I had one done in febuary and got my second back last month, just hate to take another lunker outta the breeding stock. Alot of the local lakes here have had the largemouth populations over-fished allowing the white bass and spotted bass to take over and compound the problem. The taxidermist I took it too said he hadn't seen a largemouth come outta the lake over 10 lbs in two years. Fiberglass mounts look completely fake to me. I am going to try one of these, they look just as real as any fiberglass mount I have seen.

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Hey Jim, I have to agree that a Fiberglass mount of a fish would look a little fake, maybe a lot fake. Reading your post I pictured in my mind this little brookie my Dad mounted over 50 years ago. It still looks alive even though through the years it's taken a little beating. I took a picture of it this AM just to show you what an old time real mount looked like using the real fish skin and repainting the colors and sealing it. Notice the little fly it's jumping after.

I wish I had learned this from my Dad because now it would go over much better then fiberglass.










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