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Syringe use?

Do you use a syringe for plastic injection OR accents?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use a syringe for plastic injection OR accents?

    • YES a plastic syringe
    • YES a glass syringe
    • No, I use a production pot.
    • No I use a Pyrex cup

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Ok for thoes of us that do fine pours and use a syringe, Are they glass, plastic or what?

I have used the plastic one one time, Burnt the hell out of my hands, learned a lesson, and went in search of glass syringe as well as mechanics gloves( for the heat)

For thoes of you that are thinking of using a syringe, USE HEAT RESISTANT GLOVES! ( Hot plastic will stick to your skin, and burn deep)

One thing for sure. You WILL only do it ONCE!

For thoes of you that dont know. the heat from the liquid plastic makes the plastic syringe too soft, flexable and unstable.

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If anyone can find a reliable source for pyrex-type glass or metal syringes, I'd love to know. I keep a search saved on eBay, but always seems to be a mad scientist wanting to outbid me :twisted:

I heard some stories about plastic veterinary type syringes, any successes or failures?


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Well RED the plastic one literaly blew back in my hand. THe heat softened the plastic and let the freshly heated plastic flow onto my hand. That was one month ago. I still have the discoloration from it, and have gone to ebay and picked up several glass types.

A 20cc and a 50cc. Each were about 10.00 plus shipping. I havent used them I have the website thing going on at the moment and haveing a grand time pulling my hair out. so I havent used it yet.

Just a work of advice. Make sure what ever one you buy, make sure the metal can be removed from the actual syringe if you need to microwave it. I have one with metal and one without.

Somthing I have seen was a aration syringe, Large tip and good barell size, easy to clean and clear any solid plastic from.

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now Bruce,,,, 3" baits hardly is a fine pour.... Oops, i forgot you can do thoes monster baits! 3" would be a fine pour'd bait for you!

I do most now with a microwave and a pyrex cup. De lil colors in a bait are a little easier to add this way.

Oh hey I have some other questions for you about your website building since you also use dreamweaver.

Im starting to run out of hair to pull......

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Oh hey I have some other questions for you about your website building since you also use dreamweaver.

Im starting to run out of hair to pull......

lol' date=' been there, have the bald spot to prove it (not really) :wink:

Give 1st page 2000 a try:


Its alot smaller program & has 4 different layouts Beginner, normal, expert & hardcore. Its alot smaller than dreamweaver also.

I use both & prefer 1st page over dreamweaver, I only use dreamweaver if I'm using databases in "cold fusion" (.cfm) if your not using Cold fusion, dreamweave can be overkill, since it's really geared towards enterprise & corporate level websites. dont get me wrong its an awesome program......just has a steep learning curve. If you need more help with DW, I can help, as time permits. I see you got those pics removed, that was top priority IMO...good work.


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