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Do Pearl powders burn easier?

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Hey guys,

I was trying to make a craw color for small mouth and can't stop it from burning. I am using 1/2 cup plastic and 1/2 cup salt , 15 drops heat stabilizer, 1/2 teaspoon pearl white LC powder, and 3 drops LC bright red. I can get it ok for the first pour but after that it burns almost every time. Turns a little brown. I also use 1/2 teas. green fleck, 1/2 teas. black and 1 teas. red. Awesome looking color but can't seem to keep it! I have had no problems in any other mixes, all with the same salt content. So, I thought I may have a problem with the powder. I add the colors before I heat and the salt while heating. What do you think??



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Thanks for the help. I just bought copper, pearl, and silver pearl from LC. I don't want to trash them :cry: Also, I don't need much else right now so I really can't put in an order just yet to MF.

Anyone else have problems burning their powders?



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I see something similar happening and it does involve the LC pearl colors. However, it also is in conjunction with using the black flake along with the pearl copper. Seems like the black flakes tend to clump into small globs and get fried. Doesn't actually effect the plastic itself, but it does piss me off to pour a clump of black crap into a mold. Wonder if the Pearl somehow grabs the plastic and causes it to become sticky within the mixture? jrav

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