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Forming an association

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It is not good that my posts are being mis-interpreted.I want nothing from any individual.I have not named any individual,asked a question from any individual-all have been directed at you-the reader-to think about.I clearly stated that in my second post. I do expect something from an association.What I expect from that association is that it accomplish what it has offered me for my membership.I simply have been asking questions,and offering my opinion.I clearly stated that I do not oppose this idea,yet I have shown that I do have reservations about some ideas that have been presented.I have offered points of interest or concerns that I feel could have a detrimental ,if not terminal effect,on what I hope will be a successful and proactive association,before it is even launched.I do not know how to be more clear than this:This topic is a good idea.I want to see you succeed and achieve your goals.I am not entrenched in my views.I have no desire to be a "mover or shaker " in this association endeavor.I personally do not care what you think of my lures unless you are fishing them.I am offerring my advice,questions and concerns the same way that I would offer to help you find a boat plug if yours was missing.The same way that I would ask you before you launch your boat "is the plug in?"Just as I would advise you to wear a life jacket on Erie.It was my intent to help you avoid some pitfalls and make the building of this "lure" easier.I have been specificully adressed by name twice now, in a clearly negative and personal way and I do find that disallusioning.All that said here is what is truely important.I am going fishing the next three days,on Erie,with lures that I built!

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I would suggest first of all, maybe we move this post to another forum like the Docks? I think that was already asked. Poor lure builders are getting blasted with this topic.

Secondly, with how many people are involved in this, it may be wisest to have people come up with different mission statements then have a vote on all of them. Some people may have different ideas or visions that they would want to incorporate into their mission statement. This way maybe we can look at several different ones, compile things we like and dislike about each, improve upon each others, until a good majority of people agree on one. With how many people are involved it will not be an easy task unless we organize this. It should not be something that one person decides either and should be a somewhat ongoing process so that people have a chance to read and evaluate each others.

Mission statements are easy to do and anybody can write one. It is basically a sentence or two stating what your mission or objective is. Do a search on google for sample mission statements. You don't have to be a business wiz to do it.

I also think that when you read emails, forums, etc. sometimes it is hard to get a good handle on somebody's tone. It is a lot different in person when you can see somebody's facial expressions, hand jestures and hear the tone of their voice. Everybody's style is a little different. If we are going to collectively come up with an association I think everybody has to remember this. If an idea is thrown out there, there is a good chance it may be debated longer than the poster originally intended. You may think you have a great idea and everybody else doesn't like it. On the other hand you may think an idea is stupid and everybody else likes it. You just have to come up with some sort of concensus on things. Not everybody will get everything just the way they want.

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Nathan, first of all, I commend you for approaching the board with this. I for one am IN! Count me in on this 100%. I see that it can be extremely beneificial to us once everything gets ironed out. While there are many concerns, you must expect that. People, all of us fear the unknown and none of us want to come out on the short side of this by a ratings system. I know that this is a tiny part of this and I am willing to not even think about it now in order to move on and get this in gear. Onlybass I appreciate you thoughts as well, they are legitament concerrns that I myself have.

I for one am extremely interested in how we can increase our purchasing power by unifying a group of lurebuilders. I ask this question though, to be considered for this association, must there be standards? Obviously all of us who have legitimate tackle businesses should be included. By that I mean guys who are on the books with the Federal Tax ID's. When the time comes for us to actually buy things, the companies we buy from will want this info. So anyone who doesn't have it is essentially along for the ride but has to leave the bus before the last stop. You certainly don't want consumers knowing what you are paying for your products. Or even trade secrets that might be discussed.

Now, does that mean the average guy who pours or carves or paints for himself and is not a legitimate business must be excluded? I think that is the first and foremost issue here. If legitimate businesses are the members of this association, you can eliminate the rating system because now you don't have to worry about "hacks".

You either eliminate a tremendous number of people and go with the businesses or anyone can get involved. If this is meant for businesses only, then this whole operation should be taken to another board where only the members of the association can participate. This action will certainly divide the board and TU shouldn't suffer because of this. I'm hoping that I'm not out of line with this thinking.

I have my own feelings about this but lets try to run with this point.

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I motion to:

#1 - Nominate Nathan to take the lead on getting the ball rolling by delegating out tasks and forming committees to those that are willing and able.

#2 - Vote on an association/union name and secure the web address. It would make sense to have a name that is easy to type in and use as the web address.

#3 - Get a simple website developed to get the ball rolling on the other aspects of this. Honestly, I think this entire endevour would be better off if we did not do it on TU. Although I think it is important for some information and a link to the website to be here on TU.

While those 3 things happen, it gives people time to brainstorm and come up with ideas that we can discuss on the other website. These 3 things are the foundation and the fundamental first steps to getting something going.

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Well I certainly second the motion to nominate Nathan to do what he is already undertaking. I see the association overall as having a "Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval" kind of image--we could use a seal we can place on our products to show that we meet a standard of quality construction, or consumer confidence, or whatever. Earthworm had some good thoughts there on business legitimacy with the Tax ID we'll inevitably need anyway for group purchasing. A little down the road I see it also as an excellent tool with which to raise public awareness at major consumer and trade shows. And we will need some kind of standards if we're to serve as a bit of watchdog for quality control. Should we have official amateur and professional divisions? Would a ratings system as simple as Journeyman and Master be so painful? Believe it that all dedicated (underpaid) custom lure makers would benefit financially from positively raising our public profile. Nathan for President or Top Dog, Head Honcho etc. of the I.C.F.L.A., the International Custom Fishing Lure Association

Just some thoughts.


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OK ...that was like taking a laxative..we have some movement now!!..First,I'll be glad too take the reigns and keep the ball rolling..I'm fond of the title Grand Poo Baa..LOL...We will have official nominations & elections down the road when we have some infastructure going.

First lets get this thing named...here is what we have so far..well keep this open for names until tues. 8/30/05 noon central time.Then I'll compile the names,and voting can start..by next friday we can have a name..

I.C.F.L.A (International Custom Fishing Lure Assoc.)

U.L.C.A ( United Lure Crafters Assoc.)

N.T.M.A (National Tackle Makers Assoc.)

I agree we need a website..I think Ghostbaits said he might be able to help with that..I'm a computer Idiot..So I'm no help there..Anyone else give a hand with that?..

There are other forums out there that have tackle crafter sections..we will want to hit those and announce whats going on when we have the site up...We want input from everyone..

We still need to work on the Mission statement..Any volunteers?

I'll be moving this too the DOCKS this afternoon..Nathan

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O.k., some of you may think i am an absolute idiot because i have posted a couple of responses to this topic and both were 100% against the association forming.the reason you may feel like i am an idiot is because i have changed my mind on the issue.I have really kept up with this topic and also read allot of the post over in the docs forums that really tell the true personallitys of some of the older guys here and have realized something that it took me a few days to realize.A formal association could be the best thing that ever happened for some of us newbys here because its true that when you are driven to impress your peers, you will eventually impress.I owe all the knowledge i currently have in tacklebuilding to everyone here and would love to one day be at the skill level of some of these guys.The best way to do that i think is to strive to be the best instead of settling for the best you can do!So to make a long story short,I'm now in and will be glad to help in any way i am asked to assure us all that this association not only gets started but exceeds its expectations.Allot of hard work ahead but hard work never scared me!!

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Great thread. I think an association if done correctly will help us all in some way, obviously some more than others.

As for a sample mission statement how about something like, "to unify and develop lure crafting with standards and quality control." Its tougher to come up with one than you would think :rolleyes: LOL. Let me know what you think.



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Nathan, Heres a couple that comes rite to mind . If these are not good they may at least set some type of starting point.

1) Unifying lure crafters present and future to insure quality in craftsmanship.

2) To unify,solidify, and pass along quality lure crafting skills.

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Here are some available domain names I searched. It might make sense if our domain name has something to do with our association name. IMHO, a good domain name can't be too long, like www.worldlurecraftersassociation.com. But if the association name was World Lure Crafters Association, a domain such as www.lurecrafters.com would be an excellent choice.

Here are some available domains, maybe somebody has searched some others and found some more that are available. By no means are these the answer for us.









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Just another thought on the web address...most not for profits go with a .org....

It will open up more possibilities but the previous mentioned addresses are all good.

I'm racking my brain for a mission/vision as I participate on a committee at our hospital that had to do this exact task a few months back.

WOW...it was a very tedious process especially due to the "number of the cooks in the kitchen."!!!!!!


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Hey Guys, I guess it's my turn. I've been sitting back trying to make sense of all this. The main problem, as I see it , is everyone has their own opinion of what an association is or should be. I see an association as a tool for a group with a common goal to get recognition for their ideas and efforts. I don't mean recognition for the individuals, but for the art of lure making as a whole. Buying power. If the association has 50 or 100 members and the association were to contact supply houses for discounts, I don't see how we could be ignored. Numbers mean good prices. It was said their are a lot of lure makers who don't know about this site. True, but how many fisherman are out their who don't know about this site and the craftsmen here who are producing some of the best lures around. Lets face it, there are fishermen buying from Wal Mart because they don't know something better is out there. The association will will change that by letting all fishermen know we exist.Ratings, Here is a problem. Human nature, being what it is, is a factor here. Everyone has an ego and it will always affect all of us to some degree at sometime or another,whether we want to admit it or not. As I see it an association can do nothing but help us grow. As it stands now, I think the best ratings for our work could and should come from the people who give us their money for the work we do. An in association rating system could come in the future. Just my thoughts. Joe

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I would think that something like a board that selects members based on their work would be necessary in some form or other.

It doesnt have to be a panel that rates the work other than a yes or no as to getting in the association. Then people who buy from members can submit feedback similar to what ebay does then the buyers could see what other buyers thought, which is ultimately more important to someone buying a product than what other lure makers think.

The exception to being just like ebay feedback if something like this was used would need to be that purchasers would be asked to give their feedback in two parts 1. based on initial impression. and 2. based on a certain amount of time of using the lure(s).

Because if feedback is given only immediately the lure could fall apart afterwords and not give the buyer a chance to reflect that in their feedback.

Ok its time to eat, i'll continue brainstorming later lol

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At this moment I can see the discussion going off in too many tangents. IMHO, we need to get things organised & seperate into different logistic segments to be tackled one by one.

1st order of things should be the mission statement and consensus of what is the purpose of the Association. From this then we can find a suitable name for it and then develop the necessary rules & regulations, code of ethics, standards/ratings/ranking etc.

Here's what I feel the Association's mission should be:

  1. Promote Custom Baits
  2. Introduce/promote to the public custom lures to have it reach a wider audience

[*]Promote the development of hobby and buisness of cutom baits

  • the Association should not be restricted to one front or the other and cater to both sides of the custome lure scene, both hobby & those doing buisness of it

[*]Provide a central committee to work towards a standard and code of ethics for custome lure makers

  • for those doing it as a buisness or going to -- this will be the hairy part to be resolve as to be how we setup properly the standards & codes without being partial.
  • A standards should suffice without going into ranking every maker. Perhaps a better way to rank would be to have competitions for diff catagories and the winners will be allowed to use the Associations badge of excellence.
  • Another way to go for the standards is to have members send in their baits (voluntary) for evaluation by the Association's standards committee [blind testing conducted so the testing committee do not know who the maker is to gurantee impartial evaluation within a set specification], evaluated bait will be given an Association Seal of Quality Approval if they meet the minimum standards.

[*] Provide a supply purchasing network

  • members will benefit from bulk discounts the association can make on behalf of members (hey, I want something back from paying my membership dues :D)
  • a centralize resiporatary of suppliers who either support/sponsor the Association or can advertise within the Association (thus generating some funds for Association running)
  • It would be nice if the Association can have worldwide reach as some materials are available in better price/quality in diff parts of the world. The Association can consolidate this.

[*] Assist members & conduct research into custom lure making techniques and materials and publish the results to members.[/list:o:15913bb918]After we get this mission part sorted out & reach a consensus, we move on to the next part...

  • voting for a name &
  • then set up a preliminary site for the Association where the nitty gritty part of drawing/discuss up the rules & regulations, code of ethics & standards... etc
  • Structure the Association, I'd suggest filing as a non-profit organization
  • Start membership drive and setup the fist committee

My 2 cents.

PS: Just for fun, a simple list of Code of Ethics:

  • Thou should make the best lure as ur ability permits & maintain a consistant standard
  • Thou shall not lie(over-rate) ur lure making experience
  • Thou should Not make claims that undermine other members
  • If a bait is based on another lure or an improved version of an existing one, I will not make claims to it as an original
  • When it is not detrimental to a "trade secret", I will assist all members to the best of my abilities
  • bla... bla...
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