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Forming an association

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I dont have any specific name suggestions only thoughts about what i think it should convey based on some of the suggestions above.

It doesn't need to suggest generic or mass produced tackle. The word Custom, Handmade, Independent or something along those lines needs to be in there to give the right impression.

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As for the Mission statement..KCDANO has voluntered too head that commity.LAPALA,CRANKER,VOLP1 & MILLSRYNO you've shown interst in this area.Please contact KCdano via PM too work on this.It would be nice to have one hammered out by Friday.

As for the name..I'm keeping a list,and tomorrow afternoon all put them up,we will have until Wed. too vote..We will take the top 3,and have a run off on Thursday...by friday we will have a name too!! On the name,If we can keep the word "crafter" or "Craftsmen" in it...I think it lets people know they are dealing with individuals,instead of some huge company..It is just a THOUGHT..Nathan

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In reply to the request for tax-exempt info.501© of tax codes apply to non-profits.501©(6) applies to Business Leagues.Trade Associations are considered Business Leagues.If this "tackle association" is to also be a "buyer's group" as some have discussed it will not receive tax exempt status.This would be considered a "cooperative" under IRS rules.

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Onlybass is researching "for profit" and "not for profit" filing statis for us..Also I've received some PM's regarding a tierd system for the Association,I think it is a very good Idea.(The following two "Classifications terms" are only used too show the difference in the tiers)

"Professional" those who have a valid tax ID# and sell their lures

"Hobbyist" Those who essentially do this for their own use

Those who are in "Professional " class would get greater discounts because of the Tax#'s.

From some of the info. Onlybass has turned up,it seems those "Hobbyist" who sell a few baits on the side would greatly benefit come tax time if they filed for their tax ID #'s and filed necessary IRS forms for tackle making..They would also have added benefits from the Association..Nathan

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Ok...Now we have a name (AITC).

KCDano,and a group have been hammering out our mission statement..We might see something on it this week...

Onlybass is researching how the Assoc. needs to file

Is anyone interested in helping with the website?..Jerry said it can be hosted through him..

Not that it is overly important just yet..But,Is anyone intersted in designing our logo..We have alot of talent here!!..Nathan

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