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Ive been all over the state this weekend & Fort Lauderdale took a decent whippin. saw alot of downed power lines & trees in that area.

Luckily it turned south, deep into the 'glades avoiding most of the populated area. but its heading north now in the warm gulf water.

Alligator alley had a convoy of FPL servie trucks headin that way, miles long.

If your in the projected path, do as they say, "prepare for the worst & hope for the best" My general area has seen alot of activity in the last 2 seasons. one of the costs to live in here year round.

Take care.

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Fire Departments are like the military, orders change in a heartbeat. We've been told to stay put, the part of the state I'm in will be hard hit as well. They say the eye will pass directly over us Monday night or early Tuesday morning. All 200 firefighters and medics on our department are on call. We just have to wait and see what happens now. At least this far north we don't have to worry about storm surge, we'll just hide from tornadoes. 8O

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The area I live in made it through in pretty good shape. Lots of power outages, trees down, and minor roof damage, along with flooding. No injuries or deaths reported here. Just south of us is a different story. Where there once was shopping centers, deep sea fishing marinas, and casinos......are gone. The storm surge was estimated at over 30 feet in areas.

Our department will send a team down that way later today. Everyone was told to go home and rest (unless it's your regular shift) and be prepared to go by 15:00 this afternoon. Not sure if I'll have to go yet. Will keep everyone updated. For now it's bedtime!

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When things like this happen and you see so many people suffering that have lost everything they have and are just sometimes lucky to have survived it should make folks realize how lucky they are to be safe and secure and have their good health.I urge anyone who is able to please do what you can to help these people whether its thru red cross or other organizations or just simply with prayer.I have seen the devastation of storms like these up close and personnal and it aint a pretty site.Basscat and anyone else who is going down there , please be careful and return home to your familys safe.

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The amount of devastation is unbelievable. I've responded to several tornado scenes but this is huge. Our biggest question is where do we start? Communications are non-existent. Without repeaters our radios are only good for a couple of miles. Once we enter no man's land we're basically on our own. The body count will be high. I talked with a crew that's there this afternoon and they were just overwhelmed.

I'm scheduled to go down Friday. We're relieving the crew that's on scene now.

My son works for MDOT. They've been working non-stop to open roadways into the area since last night. I've been unable to reach him since cell service comes and goes. He did leave a message that our work was cut out for us.

We're lucky to have power here. Most of the state is out.

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Hey Guys, What you see on TV is not even close to what the New orleans area looks like. Try to imagine an area 60 miles long by 15 miles wide covered with 5ft - 15 ft.of water. My house in Meraux escaped damage from the storm itself, only to have 10 feet of water over it when one of the levee's in Si Bernard broke on Tuesday morning. Needless to say, I may not be making lures for a while. . Joe

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Truly sorry for your loss Joe, thankfully youre safe.

The storm was only a category 1 when it passed my way, but last year Charley hit us pretty hard, areas north of me still has debris scattered & tarped roofs dotted along. Lake Okeechobee is still stained, but nothing like what Ive seen with Katrina.

Theres a long road to rebuilding, Basskat, Joe, anyone else local, stay safe.

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I must echo the sentiments here, please everyone, stay safe. The town I live in in Kentucky got pummeled before the storm and then afterwards...I've had to be out in it documenting everything that went on and was nearly swept up by rapid moving flood waters on several occasions (some of my photos are on usatoday.com and cnn.com). BUT, this is NOTHING compared to New Oreleans or anywhere on the coast. Absolutely, NOTHING. My heart goes out to everyone impacted by the hurricane.

If there's anything I can do for any member of our community here that may be impacted, please, please, let me know. Stay safe and be smart, everyone.


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I'm home for a couple of days rest. The work on the coast is very exhausting. Things are looking up for the Mississippi coast. The road into this area has been cleared and more help is streaming in. The military has taken over security. Apparently Keessler Air Force base has their runways cleared, a C-130 was landing as we left the area.

Joe, if you and your family need a place to stay let me know. You should have my cell phone number. If you can't find it drop me a pm.

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Hey Joe, very sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family will be remembered in our prayers. If there is anything I can do to help you out please let me know. It would be devatstating just to see something that aweful much less to live through it. Hang in there and let me know that your alright. Ken Schmitz

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Hey Guy's, Thanks for the support. We are OK and staying with our son in Baton Rouge. Local officials tell us it may be at least two weeks before we can go back to survey damage and recover what may be left. It's hard seeing everything you worked for all your life go down the tubes in a mater of hours. The good thing is we are all together and safe and have a place to stay. All the rest is not really that important. well, got to go ,, Thanks, Joe

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