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Dave V

Poor pouring technique

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I've poured a bunch of sticks with the 2 piece POP molds. They come out fine. I worked out the air bubble thing with advice from members.

Now I have a bunch of 1 piece molds I created or received from M-F

I have an over-pouring issue. I can never get the plastic in the tail sections without over-pouring.

Please list your techniques on pouring 1 piece molds with tails. What end to start out in, etc...


Dave V

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Dave, We all went through the learning process. I pour from the Aluminum pots, I usually start with the tail, I also manipulate the mold lifting and tipping it the way I want the plastic to run. This help me from having such thick tails one other thing I do is I keep a four inch long piece of stainless steel angle iron on my hot plate. I'll pick it up with a pair of pliers and use it to strike off the mold. This will help even out any over pour and remove excess plastic there will be some flashing but it is easily trimmed off after the worms have cooled. Just another idea for ya to help you get going.

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Dave....If you are pouring from a 1 cup pyrex cup, try this...

Go to wally world and get one of the Anchor Hocking measuring cups in a 1 cup volume.

The stream that comes from them is much smaller and allows me to pour into any small area on any mold I have.

Take a look in the photo area at all the bass8baits hand pours. Javier only uses the anchor hocking cups to pour.

I find that they keep the plastic heated a little longer and are just easier to work with. I do pour out of the 1 cup pyrex when I have to have 8oz of plastic...Anything less than that and I am using the others.

Like the others said, we all went through the overpour phase. If you pour enough, you will have minimal trimming to do...practice..practice...practice..


BTW...your package will go out tomorrow or on Wednesday....

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Thanks for the help guys, yeah actually, all I have is a 2cup Pyrex cup. I was thinking of several smaller cups. I'm headed to WM now and I'll check the selection.

I'm just melting the same batch down and practicing my pouring with that. No sense in making a bunch of bad batches.

Thanks for the update ghostbaits.

Dave V

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