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Bubble problem cure

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I have been reading the posts about the bubble problems with Calhoun's plastic. I had been having the same problem until today. This isn't going to make it easy but it eliminates the bubbles.

I stopped microwaving my Calhoun's and just heat it on a hot plate like I use to do. It won't help you guys that pour for customers. But for us little guys that pour for ourselves at least it lets us use up the remainder of our Calhoun's. I only started using a microwave about a month or so ago and thought the bubbles were something I was doing wrong, because I hadn't had the problem with the hot plate. I was pouring today and actually had some turn in to a smoky black blob only heating for 2 mins. So I put away the microwave idea for now and will heat my plastic the old fashion way. Once my supply of Calhoun's is gone. Back to the Nuker.

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also what helped me i took my 1/2 gal of calhouns and put it in quart jars and used my food saver and pulled a vacume and sealed them.i let them set for a couple of days and just poured some chunks today.world of difference in the microwave just a few little pin head bubbles that stirred right out.


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