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Changing Airbrushes

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I'm changing airbrushes!.......at least temporarily.

I've been using the Badger model 150, which I like very much, but I can not keep the dang thing clean (its internally mixed and double action). Also, I dropped it the other night, and I bent the needle holder, so now I am waiting on parts from Dixie Art.

In the meantime, I got a coupon out of the paper for AC Moore and went there last night and purchased a Badger 350 airbrush. The 350 is external mix and is single action. It comes with a medium needle. It is also much cheaper than the 150.

My question is this, are there any pitfalls to the externally mixed airbrush that I need to be aware of before beginning use? Its seems alot easier to clean than my 150, and thats a plus for sure.

My 150 and I have also been fighting over seating of the needle and bigger drops of paint. For some reason, I have not been able to keep the brush from spraying paint when I depress the trigger to release air only. I was thinking its because there must be some dried paint in the tip, but the tip I was using was a medium and was brand new. I tried releasing the needle holder and reseating the needle in the tip, but I still had the problem. I am thinking of soaking the whole 150.......gun, needle, tips....everything, in paint thinner in an effort to wholesale clean the thing out. I've been airbrushing awhile, and I've never had these problems until recently......any suggestions or advice?

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My 150 is the workhorse in my garage........I sometimes pull the neddle out and take some Simichrome polish to the tip. this will help solve the seating problem sometimes and make the needle less likely to cake up. Lacquer thinner is sometimes not enough to clean all the dried paint up-I soak my tips in Spray Gun Cleaner which is diluted paint stripper, once and a while. Can only be bought in gallons, but if you visit a local body shop-they may have some to spare. At worst order a new needle and the small paint tip from Dixie.

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