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Want to learn to repair and service reels

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As far as I know The School of Hard Knocks is the only one offering training for reel repair. Study the schematics and tear lots of reels apart. Naturally it helps to have some mechanical aptitude and understanding of some basic mechanical principles. Not so many years ago, reels generally needed much more in the way of daily maintenance, so if you fished like a maniac, you came to understand the machine in your hands. This is the background of many of the older guys who've done reel repair :wink: . A whole lot of the new reels I've purchased, the first thing I did was open them up to see their engineering, so I think it helps to have that sort of tinkering disposition. With the proliferation of manufacturer's models these days you need that kind of attitude, because even if the perfect reel repair training does exist, you will still be confronted with fixing reels you've never seen the inside of before. I did reel repair for 3 years in a tackle shop I co-owned in the 90's, and I will say that it is a fairly lucrative field--customers will seek you out once you have a good reputation for your work.


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First of all you will need to locate a source for the schematics of various types of reels so you can order the parts. If you are only cleaning them you can use a digital camera to photograph them during disassembly.

The most important thing is to have the right tools. Also take your time and give considerable thought before hand about how you are going to remove each individual clip and spring. Once they go airborne chances are you will never see them again.

Southwestern Parts is a good source for reel repair. They also have a discusion board to answer questions concerning various types of reels.

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