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Bubble problem with plaster mold

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If they haven't been coated with epoxy yet try baking them at the lowest setting, 150-200 degrees, in your oven for 3 or 4 hours. After they cool coat them with a good 2 part epoxy. Devcon 2 ton works well and is available at most Wally World stores in the hardware department.

I use 2 part finish epoxy that's left over from my model airplane days.

Let the epoxy cure for 2 or 3 days until you can't dent it with a thumbnail. At that point it's ready to pour!

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You can cure plaster of paris at 325 for 15 or 20 minutes. That will take out all the moisture and harden the mold. Set it out let it cool I usually wait a few hours. Mix the two ton epoxy in a plastic film canister then add about six drops of acetone mix and paint the mold. The first coat will pretty much get sucked into the surface of the mold let this cure overnight. Next day repeat the coating, I usually give it three coats. The finish seems to last longer that way and your baits will come out shinny and slick. I haven't needed a release coat since I started coating my molds. Good Luck.

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