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How to get glossy lure?

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If you're making the RTV mold, be sure the master has a good finish. The RTV should reproduce the finish.

I've heard that several coats of Krylon laquer will give it a good finish. If it can take the rubbing, Turtle Wax makes a super shiny finish that releases well. I've coated masters with parafin and they will always produce a dull bait.


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I have never seen/heard of dull baits on alum molds, wether it be mine or someone else's.

its usually inheritant to molds that dont have a good surface, like silacon and bondo, fiber glass etc. unless coated with devcon.

we got guys that pour ten of thoughsands of baits with out molds and there baits still come out shiney.

Can you send me a sample bait , I am very interested in this.

if you heat your alum molds up to hot( over a burner) they will do that, but you have to get them extreamly hot( 500+ degrees)

Also if you do send me a bait make sure I get a list all the componets that you used to make the bait, and how the plastic was cooked.(microwave/hot pot/stove etc)

I am trying to build a informal database( so to speak) on problems or concerns



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I had an aluminum mold that I left out in the cold garage with a little salt in it. It got pretty rough looking.

A little metal polish and elbow grease restored it to new condition.

BTW, you would be surprised how a little Turtle Wax rubbing compound and polishing compound used on a polyester mold will shine it up.

A bit for your database :D

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Del: It is not a big deal. I do not consider this a problem or concern. They just do not look like the finish of a store bought product. They still catch fish, and that is all that matters. I am sure a little worm oil will do the trick. Thanks. Saint.

P.S. I will be more than happy to send you a sample, but I don't want you to waste your time. Thanks for your help.

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