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Homemade Fluid Bed ?s

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Longtime lurker, 1st time poster... lots of great information shared here, it has really fed my desire to make my own stuff.

I've seen several references to fluid beds and guys trying to make their own but have not found any specifics in any of my fourm searches on how to actually put one together with a parts/components list.

I've got a few ideas and a general feel for what is needed but would appreciate any specifics anyone can share before trying to tackle this one on my own.

Thanks in advance!


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I've never built one myself but I've seen a couple built for smaller uses.A coffee can and a aquirum pump were used.Two too three holes were punched in the bottom of the can the size of aquirum tubing.(The ones I saw triangulated 3 holes in the bottom)Run the tubing into the holes approx. 1/8th in.Connect the tubes too a 3-way aquirum adjustable valve,then run a section of tubing too the pump.

Pour in the powder paint,plug in the pump,adjust the pressure at the valve,and have at it..Nathan

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I've been wondering also on how to go about making my own. After researching fluid beds I think I have most of it figured out. The one common denominator, however is a membrane separating the air from the powder. I've been considering some materials but most are too porous for the powder. The best thing I've came up with is Gore-Tex. This allows the material to breath yet does not let water in. Don't know where I can obtain it, though. I think I have the rest of the unit figured out if I just had the membrane. Any suggestions? I'd be willing to share my results if I can get it up and running. :)

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