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IN-Line Spinner Tails

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I have been trying to figure out how the hackle tail on rooster tails or other in-line spinners are tied, but have not been having much success. Are they tied on a coil or directly to the wire? Also, any ideas on how to make the hackle kind of umbrella out would be helpful.

Thanks for all your help


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I'm not sure I'm following you. Are you referring to something like bucktail on a teaser treble hook, but done with hackle?

Perhaps do it like palmering of a wooly bugger but keep the # of turns down to 1 or 2, over bucktail.


Hi' date='

I have been trying to figure out how the hackle tail on rooster tails or other in-line spinners are tied, but have not been having much success. Are they tied on a coil or directly to the wire? Also, any ideas on how to make the hackle kind of umbrella out would be helpful.

Thanks for all your help


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When tying a tail it is most important to prepare the feather in the correct manner before the tying begins. I like to strip the barbules off one side of the feather so that it lays on the hook a little neater.

Next, if you are right handed, and wrap the feather away from you, pull the barbs off the left hand side (while the feather is shiny side up). Then, tie the feather in to the hook by the tip and palmer it towards the hook eye. It is also important to keep the cupped side of the barbules facing towards the bend of the hook.

Hen necks are good, but often short. Try looking for necks sold specifically for saltwater or bass bugs, they are usually cheaper, have longer feathers, and available in a wider color selection.

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