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Top Water Plastics?

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Hey guys, sorry I dont stop in as much as I should, but I do try to keep up with the posts.

I am going through a serious mental block creating stuff here lately. I am wanting to make a top water lure with soft plastic. Something different, but I am having no luck with a design. Any one got any ideas or a good starting point?

I guess the problem is keeping it floating while making it heavy enough to cast.

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Some times my ideas come to me in a dream or nightmare(lol). Most times the ideas just pop into my head. I used to try to force it but that rarely works. Just poke around the web. Not with the idea of copying some one else; but just for a spark to ignite your creative fire. B)

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I have an Idea for a feeding baitfish you can try. If your interested I can show you some drawings. The seasons pretty much at an end for me up here so I haven't had time to try it but you can try a pour if you want. Let me know if your interested and I'll post a jpeg of the side, top, and bottom views.

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ok, I fixed this I think. for those who tried to download it I don't think it worked before cause it was a pdf and the format was screwy. If you download this jpeg to your hd or desktop you can see it. I just realized you can edit posts and such. see ya...... oh yeah. This design is for those who pour for personal use only. NO COMMERCIAL USE OF THIS DESIGN. Thanks and I'm sure that goes without saying.

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here is a picture of the grub I mentioned, the jig head on this one is a fatratz, the guy who gave this to me would not give me the jighead that went with it. on a fast retrive this thing flaps the surface similar to a buzzbait. I sent Jerry all the info on the company that makes this.










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