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Plastic for Senkos

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Hello everyone!,

I was wondering what most people use to make senkos. I am in Maine and I know that things are different on the west coast. Does anybody know what is most popular on the east coast? I am having some problems with the #536, it doesn't hold up due to all the salt I add. I am hoping that the #502 plastic will work better for me. Maybe even add less salt and have an easier time pouring. I just ordered the 4 gallon case of #502 yesterday. I figure if it is too tough I can just add softener.


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I just use no name brand from the grocery store or morton's iodized salt. I gring it in a coffee grinder, but not much! They have come out great and really catch fish, I am just trying to perfect things :D I just got off the lake I live on, I caught 7 bass including a huge 19.5" 5lb 9 oz monster!

Yup, they work! :D


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I agree, at times they outfish any other bait. (like last saturday) They were the hottest bait going. Even above spinnerbaits and top water.

I do turn the salt into powder (lc's salt) I have found food service salt to be right about the right size not to need grinding.

But as Celt said, stir your butt off and stir often. (Fireball, hows that gizmo coming for your lee pot?)

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I am fortunate enuf to have some friends who keep me well supplied with these baits, I can not/will not afford Yamamoto's prices and take great pride in the fact that I have only ever purchased one package of Yamamoto's, my preferrences always lean toward hand-made and these seem to be everyone's favorite to pour. I have a tendency to wanna stick too many pokers in the fire, so I feel very lucky to have access to some baits made by people like you guys that know what your doing.... I make a mess when I play with plastics, LOL. I have really come to rely on these baits alot the last month, took me too long to learn to S-L-O-W down, I do not know about other parts of the country but here you can not fish them too slow, but you can fish them too fast all day without a single strike. I even have my own custom color for my home-lake, if I told you how good it worked for me you probably wouldn't believe me... lets just say I dip the tail in some chart dye and make sure my drag is set. Don't know if its the color or the sheer level of confidence I have in it, since it's been my favorite lizard color for almost 10 years now. How do you like? Zoom called it Pumpkin Candy before they discontiued the color, I call it Jim's Candy now since I am the only one I know that uses it, but it's basically a dark translucent pumpkin (with no seed!!) with several kinds, colors, and shapes of glitter in it, got at least one color that will work anywhere in it and it has never let me down. These were hand-poured for me by fellow TU member SouthStatesFishin, I fished them a little this spring before the spawn and haven't used them much since, but I have kept one tied on for the last month and they have become a regular part of my arsenal, don't know why I haven't been tossing them more often, guess I had a brain cramp... but I now have a real healthy respect for the little do-nothing worm that does an awful lot, JIM










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Definately fishing slow here! All I do is throw the senko near some good looking weeds and watch my line as the bait drops. When I see a twitch; SET THE HOOK!!! Pretty simple fishing. I caught a 5lb 9oz bass yesterday morning and a 5lb 12oz bass last night. I love these baits!!


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