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5 or 30.that is the question

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i used both 5 and 30 minute devcon on my line ties.a few lure that did not work i removed the line and hook tie,s but both the 5 minute and 30 seem to hold just as well.i was wondering what your thoughts are about this.

i might just go to only using 30 minute.if i get some good feedback on that.i also use 30 for a topcoat and on crank lips.and its cheaper then the 5 minute

thanks for your help.

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I agree with what was said above, 5 minute.

For a strong bond and easy application alternative.... & if you dont mind the wait, Gorilla Glue. No mixing req'd, just add some moisture, clamp it for 3-4 hours or overnite...it's 100% polyurethane and 100% waterproof. A drawback is the initial cost though, however a little drop goes a long way.

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Who cares if 5 min. yellows after time? It is holding in parts. No one will ever see it. It will not break down in water. 5 min and 30 min are the same resin. It is just the hardener that is hotter to make it cure quicker. As far as Devcon on the lip...... just put some on the top and bottom of the lip and slide it in. You don't need to load the glue on where it squishes out all over the place. Don't worry about the sides of the slot. When you clearcoat the lure with Devcon it will fill that in. As far as the little bit that is on the front of the slot after feeding in the lip.... you can either wipe it off or just let it be. I have only had a handfull of lures where Devcon yellowed in the slot. And that is after 5 yrs of using the product and hundreds of lures.


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I guess it is how you assemble, but I clear coat then add line ties so I want a little excess forced out of the hole. I also use epoxy to attach eyes before clear cost and I always seem to have a little excess around the edges. It looks perfect after clear coat, as long as I don't have to worry about it yellowing.

I don't see an advantage to 5 minute if you are not using lips or other things that need to held in place to dry, so I stick to the 30 minute stuff.

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Personally I have used both for glueing purposes and both are excellent. I prefer to use the 30 minute as this allows for last minute tweaks of the position of the lip and bellyweights, line ties etc. I usually install them then go back after the batch is done just to double check to make sure everything is aligned properly!

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I do the same as Blackjack as far as babysitting stuff while the epoxy sets to make sure that stuff is as straight as you can get it. But for both the 5 min and 30 min..... it is still setting up long after you cannot move or align what you have glued. 5 min. is completely cured after 2 hrs. at optimum conditions. But you cannot move most parts after they have been glued for 15 min. So the epoxy is still curing, hardening, and setting for another hour and 45 min. Parts can still twist and become out of alignment before the epoxy is completely cured unless things like your lip slot and belly weight holes are exactly drilled and cut. Of course Blackjack does not have these problems because his stuff is made to perfection. I own some of his baits. The man does excellent work.


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I too have had dang hard time finding it .. Foundly found it at true value hardware store .. in Ft Payne, Al.. which is 78 miles from my house .. was over there fixing Dell Computer today. They had 4 packs I bought all 4. It was the first place I've seen it .. Wally World, Home Depot, Ace Hardware and Lowes here in Chattanooga, Tn .. none of them carry Devcon 2 ton, they all carry loctite Brand.. but they dont have a 2 ton version 1750 5 min is all they had. I used to see it every where.

Guess I need to look at getting online or buy etex

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