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Glaze Coat 6000 clear coat ?

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I was gonna post & ask for opinions on it too.

Im an avid Devcon user, but had a rather large batch to do & wanted to try some etex (Sorry skeeter :oops:) . All Home Depot had was the glaze coat so I picked up a couple pints.

I had a full working (brushing) time of around 20 minutes @ 60 degrees in my shop, the cooler temp made the overall setup/curing a little slow for me, I turned the baits for about an hour then shutoff the wheel, came inside for awhile & when I went back out the coat was still running 8O I turned the wheel back on for about 3 more hours & let the baits setup overnight. that did the trick. The instructions recommend a 72 hour full cure, which is cool because I was able to clean the hook hangers 24 hours later without much hassle (its always some sort of hassle) :wink:

The coat is glassy, medium build & looks really nice. Not sure about yellowing, only time will tell that. I did notice the label said for indoor use only, but Im almost positive I read that on an envirotex box also.










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