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Another Question about Lohr Lures

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Just purchased a couple Lohrs cranks.Both were in same alike packaging and both have same bills,LL-20......Here's my question;"One bait is much thinner and the belly hook is hung from a wire and the other,much thicker and the belly hook is hanging from a screw eye.Is the one with the wire a fluke? Is it loaded with lead or epoxy to hold the wire???I don't want to destroy the bait.I would rather let the fish do that. :-D

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Seems Jerry is doing alot of changes here lately. I started with his lures 6 yrs ago. For the money they are the best buy in a custom crankbait. I know the person that started making those baits more than 10 yrs ago. They sold the business to Jerry. All of the originals were made with a wire belly hook hanger. The wire is a hairpin clip from McMaster Car. They were put in a mold and led poured in to hold the wire. It was really a smart idea. Then the hole is drilled in the belly and the weight was inserted in with part of the lead left out. The reason for this is simple.... You don't have the problem of the outline of the hole showing when you paint the lure. Many many lure handmade luremakers to this. I have some LL10s. They all have wire hangers. This screweye thing is new to me. Maybe he just ran out of the clips or maybe Blackjack is right. The baits are cut out with routers. Jerry makes over 5000 baits a year so he just cuts them and paints them. That is why some are looking alittle different than others. Even though they are the same model. But Jerry still does pretty darn well in making a solid lure that will produce for making that many of them. He lives just a few miles from my home. I have met him. He is a very pleasurable man. He will always take the time to talk to you. He is very close friends with David Fritts and David always promotes his lures and sells them at his shop. If Jerry made them I feel that you have some very good lures. Jerry really knows what makes a good crankbait.


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