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selling custom baits

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How many of you guys sell the worms that you make on line or elsewhere?

I'm just curious if you have to worry about patent infringement laws if your bait has some of the same characteristics (but isn't an exact copy) as a bait that has been patented.I understand that robo worm has a patent for ribbed worms.Can I make and sell a bait with ribs?Hopefully someone on here has some information on this subject. :rolleyes:

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Don't be to concerned with patents.

My business before this one I spent over $20,000 in legal fees etc for a patent and then all it took was 1 copy cat and off to court we went ! I spent more in legal fees than the company made selling a copy cat .Most companys won't pursue it because it just takes a change of 10% and they can get around it and it will cost them to much to worry about it to defend thier patent.

As quickly as things come and go in the business I'd just try to keep ahead of the competition

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I was recently through the patent thing and can give you some direction BUT I am not an expert by any means!!!

To blatantly disregard another persons patent will get you in some hot water one day!!!

While B&D is right in some aspects (defense of a patent can easily run $750,000), if somebody decides to take you to court, you either have to defend yourself or pay up!!!

If you lose, the individual is entitled to 3X damages + full compensation for all legal fees!!!

I would be wary of infringing on a patent however I have not seen any information that Roboworm has ever had a patent of that type or has ever taken legal actions against another individual for infringement on that patent.

Good ideas are hard to come up with and you never know who might decide that they want to make an example out of a certain situation.


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I agree with Jim. I just was on the other side of the fence trying to defend my patent and I posted just one side of it.

As Jim stated its best to have a fresh idea and run with it.I've been watching the sweet beaver hit the stores and go like hot cakes and now there are a few copy's already out but theyhave a lil bit of a change.

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