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Getting Rid of your scent on lures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is something I experienced on a charter a week or so ago. When we got out on the water the guy setting up the lines asked the Capt. where the rubarb was. I thinking to myself, what in the world does he want with rubarb???? They break off a fresh piece of rubarb and rub it on their hands to get rid of any scent that might be on their hands and they swear by it. Just wondering if anyone else ever tried this or heard of it?? I have heard and tried washing your hands with tooth paste to get rid of fish smell or gas smell and it works but then you smell like tooth paste. I tried this rubarb thing and it leaves you with no smell that I could detect. I would like your opinion on this. Thanks ken schmitz :D

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Not rubarb, but I've used snake weed, or horse tail weed, (silica?) the tough hollow, sectioned 'grass' that grows near most lake sides. This stuff is used like a scrub, with a bit of sand and water. Takes away the smell of fuels and replaces it with fresh, lake-weed scent.

I also take care not to handle lures unnesesarily, and don't use the palms of your hands when handling. NEVER apply bug repellent with the hands while fishing, if you must rub it in to apply, use the wrists and backs of the hands to spread it around, then wash your hands with silica grass.

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I use one of the commercial scent attractents such as "Smelly Jelly". I rub it on my hands before touching my tackle. Lots of people use many variations of this. I have read research that seems to show that fish may be able to detect certain proteins that are unique to humans unless they are covered by a more powerful scent. Seems to work!


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Buy a large jar of petroleum jelly. (unscented) Put it in the microwave for about 15 minutes (in 2 minute increments) "Takes a long time to reduce Vaseline to liquid form" Once it is liquified, put about 2 oz of "Garlic Juice" in it and stir it well with a fork until completely mixed. You can get garlic juice at most grocery stores. Let it stand for about an hour and it will re-solidify.

Put it in your boat or bag and everytime you fish, put a dab in the palm of your hand and rub it on your hands. It will kill any scent you have on your hands. Lasts all day and the jar will last for years. PS. It's OK to use from the bank. Bears don't like Garlic. :P

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