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Powder Painting jigs using a Single Dip Fluid Bed

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Here are some instructions for powder painting jigs using a single dip fluid bed. Many of the techniques described are what we use to paint our jigs with. Other tips are from people on this board and others who have experience with using a fluid bed or powder painting in general. If you have anything else to add, please let me know and I will add it to the site. Here is the link to the instructions:


I am not sure if this post is in the correct forum or not so moderators let me know where else I can put it.

We also carry the largest selection of Pro-Tec powder paint on the web. Just go to www.tjstackle.com and select Powder Paint.

If anybody has any questions on any of this, please let me know.



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I am compiling some of the adjustments and maintenance we need to do occasionally and will get them added to the directions hopefully soon. As for the "dreaded" volcanos, we get them too every now and then. One thing to check for is if there is a little pin hole in the seal around the bottom of the cup. If so, this creates a straight through air flow that will cause volcanoes around the edge. Simply use a hot glue gun or some adhesive caulking to patch the hole and that should take care of it. Another thing to do is to take a plastic spoon every now and then to kind of stir the paint a little. Hope this helps.



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I make and sell my own style of fluid beds. They can be seen at:


For more detailed instructions, please visit www.tjstackle.com and look under the powder paint section. There is a link there for fluid bed tips and tricks. We also carry one of the largest selections of Pro-Tec Powder Paint on the web with the best prices. Let me know if there is any questions I can help you with.



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Charkins, Thank you for the compliment!!!

tunderwood01, These fluid beds do not have a vibrating function on them. We have found in our applications that it is not necessary.

Thanks again for all you compliments and send me a PM if you have any questions. I would be glad to help.



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Powder painting is new to me. I have a problem with the paint clogging the hook eye on my jigs. How do you guys keep the eye open. I have been heating the jig then dipping into the jar of paint. Would purchasing one of those fluid beds make it easy er to paint the jigs? Its driving me nuts!


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Yes, using a fluid bed would make it easier to paint the jigs. A fluid bed "fluidizes" or fluff up the paint to allow you to easily dip the jig into the powder rather than trying to force the jig into a jar of "stagnant" paint. This also allows a thinner, even coat of paint, which during the curing process would not cause the paint to run or drip. If you paint a large number of jigs, you will be able to paint more jigs with the same amout of paint since you are using less paint per jig. We rarely get paint in the eyes of the jig using a fluid bed. Check out http://tjstackle.com/FluidBedProcess.htm for tips and tricks about using a fluid bed. If you are interested in one, I do have a few for sale on eBay at:


If you have any other questions about the fluid bed, please let me know. I would be glad to help.



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The best way to hold the jig is to use a pair of hemostats and clamp onto the jig at the bend in the hook not the eye. That way you will be able to dip the entire jig head and only the jig head. I have a bunch of multicolored hemostats from dipping them too far in the powder paint :P The eyes should not become clogged using a fluid bed. If they do, make sure you clean them out before curing them. For more information on powder painting jigs, visit www.tjstackle.com and look for tips and tricks under the powder paint section. The me know if you have any other questions or if there is anything else I can help you with.



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Holy cow Dayooper, your fluid bed has answered my prayers!!! That thing is great! Well worth the money! It makes is so much easy er than dipping in the jar. It works as well as you say it does! I just did one hundred jigs and they came out great and the eye of the jigs did not get clogged up!1 :grin: :grin: How long can I store the paint in the cup? The brown paint that you sell is it close to green pumpkin? Thanks again! :D

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Thanks for the compliments!!! You can store the paint in the cup as long as you need. Just make sure you store it in a cool dark place with as little humidity as possible. If storing for a long period of time, I would store the cup upside down in a paper bag so the powder paint does not settle in the holes in the bottom of the cup. We do carry a pumpkin brown powder paint. Just look under the powder paint section at www.tjstackle.com We carry all the colors of Pro-Tec powder pait. Also, if you want a little tint on a color, you mix the powder paint together to get almost any color you want. If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Thanks again!!!


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I have purchased many things from dayooper. aka TJs Tackle they have the best info and products dealing with powder paint on the web.

Yes, I have spoken many times with Benjamin and he does have good product and very good to deal with. Definitely a class act.

Edited by cadman
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