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Plaster mold pics

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I posted a photo of my first attempt at an original plaster mold. The baits were made up of plasticine, and the plaster poured over them. this one makes two reaper leeches, two curly tailed smoothie grubs and a swimming mouse. I made up several of the molds, increasing my mold selection by about twenty new baits! If you are new to mold building, I would say , try this out, its quite easy, and there are several good postings lately that I used as a referance to make these up. You can also see it on my web site, along with some baits poured in a handcrafted, original mold. Thanks to everyone here who helped me out on this project.










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Thanks, guys. The molds work awesome, the baits come out smooth without any oils, or mold release.

The bar top brand I use is NU-LUSTRE-55, it's a Canadian product, but the website is www.swingpaints.com. Someone in a previous post said you might get it through a Canadian Tire website. I just asked for it at a local hardware store. I think a smiiliar product in the USA is called FAMOWOOD or something like that??? Easy to use, goes a longgggg way-I do about 15- 20 3" plugs with a two teaspoon (plastic) mix. It looks thick and I haven't had the trouble with cracking, or crazing I've seen in some fast epoxies. It does take a long time to cure though, 24 hours +, so you should use a drying wheel for plugs and jigs. It can be thinned.

The price seemed expensive ($20.00 Can.) at first, but when I learned how far it goes, and how strong it seems, I'm sold. I use this stuff to coat jigs I fish in the shallow, rocky rivers, and it easily out-lasts the powder coated ones I used before.

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Very nice. I have often wondered why more guys aren't using plaster with the epoxy coating for molds. They are so very easy to build, cheap, and so long as you don't drop them last a long time. There is something about working with plaster that lends itself well to us bait building guys.


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