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Has anyone made their own fluidbed???

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I was poking around looking at them online and they seem really simple. I even saw some made out of wooden boxes but thay dont list the size of the holes on the bottem plate.

Question #2 anybody tried slightly heating the air into the fluid bed so the lures stay warmer longer or not a problem. Im thinking like 75-80degrees F.

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I found 2 tupperware style containers that were about 4in. tall by 3in. in diameter. You need to find some that slide into each other about half way or so. Take one and cut the bottom out with a hacksaw. Take a coffee filter and place it over the mouth of the other cup. Take the cup with the cut bottom and slide it into the cup with the filter until it fits snug. It should make a pretty good seal and the filter should be stretched pretty snug across the bottom of the inner cup. Then, it is just a matter of drilling a hole near the bottom on the side of the outer cup serving as your air chamber and attaching some sort of air supply. Some people like to use an aquarium pump, but I found it did not work well with this fluid bed. I attached mine to my compressor regulated to about 5psi. I also found that if you can set it on some thing that vibrates, you will see better results but it is not necessary. You'll have to use your imagination for that one. This system was cheap enough that I made several fluid beds dedicated to certain colors. The best thing is if you can find cups that have lids, you never have to dump the powder back into the original container. Other wise I'm sure some plastic wrap and rubber band will suffice.

Keep in mind I am not a powder pro and have not used any other fluid beds so I have nothing to compare to. However I can assure you it is 100% better than dipping into the jar and it is very cheap. I rarely have and eye clog up. You might experiment with other filter materials such as paper towels or fabrics for better results, but the coffee filter works fine for me. Sorry for being so long winded. I hope this helps someone.


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Acrylic tubing is USUALLY sized so that one size slips snugly into the next size up. This could make for cool "see through" fluid beds and it would be easy to make a "cup" for each color.

It takes a little getting used to, but acrylic is pretty fun and easy to work with.

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