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making a hardbait

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Don't use them to cut out my lures,however,I did write a program to help fabricate my bill templates.This is a more time consuming process than a well designed punch, but the waste is minimal,because the negative created by the template then spins around 180 and fits back into the template.I am currently working on a design for a machine that would be able to have cnc adaptations added later,when I could afford it. :D

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Just wanted to give a word of advice on the CNC. I use a Morbidelli CNC practically everyday. In my opinion, the types of wood needed to make hardbaits are way too soft to be milled at such a high rate of speed. Our machine will only slow to 8000rpms. At this speed, your workpiece would become a projectile. The other, even bigger, problem would be the "stump" still attached to your bait. The machine has to hold the work piece and you would not be able to get a finished piece even if it was not thrown across the room. You would be better off to try to find someone with a replicator. These normally will reproduce 3 to 10 pieces at the time. Call your local wood shops or moulding companies to see if anyone near you has these capabilities. There are two types of machines. One carves and one basically burns with lasers. I hope this helps.

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