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I have been doing some more investigating about salt. I hope to have in depth information within a week. I know alot of people are using popcorn salt, which I believe is actually called popcorn and nut salt. My question, is anyone using flour salt? This is not salt that has been put in a coffee grinder but consists of very small crystals similar to popcorn salt. Does anyone know what kind of salt they are purchasing from Del? Pop

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Del has a food grade salt which I believe is one size larger than popcorn salt. You have probably found through your research that the common "salt is salt is salt" statement that is made on this forum is not true. There are many different sizes of salt and the smaller you go, the softer and more durable your baits are going to be. They will also be easier to pour. If you want an opaque bait, you can blend any type of salt in a grinder or blender and gets some real nice pours. If you want some light transparency, you need to stay with a granular salt.

Different grades of salt also have different degrees of impurities (insolubles) in them. These impurities will cloud the bait. Ideally, you want the salts that have 99.99% pure NaCl. These salts will have no iodine and no anti-caking properties. They pour some real nice baits. The problem is, though, that since they don't have the anti-caking properties, they clump up with any type of moisture. Another problem is availability.

I have tried so many different types of salt and done a lot of research on the topic. My final verdict was this: Get the purest, smallest granular salt you can in bulk that you don't have to pay shipping for. Shipping kills your price on salt, usually costing MUCH more than the salt itself. If you are not worried about light transparency, blend your salt in a grinder or blender. You won't be able to get a better pour than that, period. If you are going to grind it, just get the cheapest table salt you can. It will work just fine.

Del has a good grade of salt. If you can't get un-buttered popcorn salt in bulk around you, stick with his salt.

Pop, I'll be interested to hear if you find any other info than this. I try to stay on top of the salt subject as I mainly pour sticks.

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I got back some information quicker than I thought. Let me tell you what I have done. I spoke with a salesman from my local distributor of salt. He told me that they did not stock popcorn salt in my local area. After checking he called me and told me that he could ship the popcorn salt out of Greenboro North Carolina, minimum order $50.00 plus shipping. Offered to ship one case 24oz cans, 26 per case. When I found out the price of a case with the $50.00 minimum, it was decided I could get two cases under the minimum. That would be in excess of 78 lbs UPS. I didn't even want to check on the shipping cost as I knew it would not be worth it. I found out there was a Salt Institute (never thought there was one of those).I spoke with a representative and found out that Cargil manufactures the popcorn salt. Got an 800 number and called Cargil. After a couple transfers from one department to another, I spoke with a very nice and helpful woman who seemed to take an interest and concern about what I was looking to obtain. She asked if she could call me back. After speaking with her technical people, they told her that the same salt is pack in 80lb bags (paper with liner) and is sold as Alberger Fine Prepared flour salt. It is their product 7462. The best part is that this is stocked at my local distributor. I believe this salt has anti caking properties.

I am going to stay on this as I want a transparet bait. Any help you can give me will be appreciated. Pop

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So, for someone not able to get this alb. salt. What is the best way to go. I was about to buy some from Del cost was around $7 but shipping was $11. I want the most transparent bait I can. Do you recommend buying regular salt and grinding it? If so, how long do you grind it? Some of you mention popcorn salt, can you buy this at Wal Mart? Thanks, for your help. Saint.

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mine comes from the local bakery. they can get about 80 million different types of salt. once you know what you need see if they can get it for you. my local bakery only charges me what it cost them with no shipping charges since they get a delivery every week anyway. the salt i get is actually called floured salt but its actually very very fine flake salt and 50lbs runs 20 bucks

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Thanks for the replies. I am in a time crunch so I guess I will go buy a grinder and some table salt tonight. Do any of you know how long I should grind it, and how much to grind at one time? Is it possible to over grind? Just curious, I have never done this before. Thanks again. Saint

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no u cant over grind it.dont put too much in the grinder at once because you can burn up your grinder or blender. if i was in a pinch for salt i would buy mortons canning salt. I think its like 1.29 for 4 pounds at the grocery. You should have better luck with that rather than table salt. just my 2cents. I can tell you right now if you grind it your baits will not be clear but i assume you already know this from the previous posts above.

BE SURE TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH AFTER YOU TAKE THE LID OFF OF THE GRINDER-no just kidding dont do that it will choke you. ive done it

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I am so far from an expert on the salt issue, as you can tell from all my dumb questions. A couple replies on this post mention anti-caking properties. I would imagine your salt does not have this. That is why you had the clogging problems. Maybe someone her can clarify what all this chemistry stuff means. I hated science in High School, I hated science in college and I still hate trying to understand science. Saint.

P.S. Not trying hurt anyone's feeling on the science comment, I am more of a numbers guy.

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You need to add it in slowly and mix it the whole time, once you stop stiring or mixing it will settle to the bottom and clog the spout.

You can add it before or after heating the plastic its up to you but it must be constantly stired especially a lee pot or any pot with bottom pour spouts. This is why electric mixers are a must when adding salt, either a fabricated one ( like mentioned in some posts) or a brand name mixer. glitter is the same way it needs to be mixed.

Mixing is the KEY ,this is the only way you will get consistancy in baits.


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I am so far from an expert on the salt issue' date=' as you can tell from all my dumb questions. A couple replies on this post mention anti-caking properties. I would imagine your salt does not have this. That is why you had the clogging problems. Maybe someone her can clarify what all this chemistry stuff means. I hated science in High School, I hated science in college and I still hate trying to understand science. Saint.

P.S. Not trying hurt anyone's feeling on the science comment, I am more of a numbers guy.[/quote']

Saint, the anti-caking agents are just something thay add to the salt to keep it from clumping together when you store it. Salt sucks in moisture and the moisture makes it cake (clump) together. A salt without iodine and anti-caking properties will produce a more clear bait. When you mix salt into water, the reason it is cloudy is because of these two ingredients (iodine, anticaking agent). The salt itself completely disolves.

For all people getting into pouring salted baits I would recommend that do 1 of 3 things to get going. After you get comfortable with these methods, you can experiment with some mail order salts, etc.

1) Get cheap table salt from the grocery and grind it up into a powder. It is cheap and there is a never ending supply at the grocery store. Get the non-iodized one if available. It should be the same price. You will be able to produce some VERY good baits this way. They will be softer and more durable than baits with salt crystals. The powdered salt stays suspended in the plastic better than any other type of salt crystal will. The only negetive (if it is one) is that your baits will be opaque and you will not be able to match up colors with non salted baits. If you use this method, put the salt in before you heat. You will have 10 times better results.

2) Find a local place selling popcorn salt. Rumors have it that some Sam's Clubs, Costcos and Smart and Finals stock this stuff in bulk. I could not find it in my area, though. Popcorn salt is a much small crystal than regular table salt. You use it in granular form and will get results similar to Senko. Be weary of flavored popcorn salt. I have not used it, but other have. Do you want butter flavored baits??

3) I also highly recommend Del's salt. If you can't find popcorn salt locally and don't want to blend your salt, go this route. I have used his salt and it is good. It is in between a table salt granual and a popcorn salt granual. it suspends well and produces a good bait. You may get sticker shock from the shipping, but all salt is going to be this way. As a rule of thumb, if you are ordering salt, you are probably going to pay more for the shipping than the salt itself. That is just the way it is.

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Thanks for your help.

I probably do not have the best mixer but this was done in my crock pot and I have a drill and mixer hooked up, I think I need to run the salt through a sifter or screen strainer or something because if I add it say with a pinch of salt, it stays that way, will not break apart, And I tried to pour my sticks with it anyway seeing it was in the plastic well when running the drill / mixer it would push the salt clumps right to the hole and clog it, if I shut the mixer off then I could pour with min, clogging

My mixing blade is 3/8" off the bottom of my pot.

And when I run the mixer very slow on a dimmer switch it will make the plastic swirl around the spout as it comes out, I need to experiment more and thought I had the mixer as slow as I could go. will find out with more tests,

Should I raise the blade off the bottom some more ? it is a straight blade with slightly bent ends and about 1" tall blade with no holes in it yet.

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Should I raise the blade off the bottom some more ? it is a straight blade with slightly bent ends and about 1" tall blade with no holes in it yet.

It sounds like you need to try some different mixer blades out. Something larger and more aggressive that will not push the salt to the bottom, rather pull it up from the bottom. Wish I could recommend one, but I need a better one, too. Somebody had posted a picture of one that they made that looked pretty decent.

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Adding the salt before cooking solved the problem.

Now I have a Different salt question.

I am trying to match Yamamoto baby bass, I matched the color very close and even matched the transpariency exactly, then I realized the fall in water was not the same. so I added more salt,

needed to add 4 TBS of salt to 4 oz plastic to have the exact same fall, but now I lost the transpariency, I used 4 TBS of straight crystal canning salt, (not ground )

How can I keep the weight but get a clearer bait ? Bigger salt crystals ?

I came real close with the mixture of

4 oz plastic

2 caps softner

1 cap heat stabalizer

25 drops green pumpkin

15 drops amber

2 drops kudzo

less then a 1/16th of black and gold halogram flake each.

Still needs tweeking .

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TR21x: I am having the same problem of adding weight but not losing the trans. I have a post on here titled suger flakes. From I what I understand it gives you the weight but has little if any color. I have yet to get a clear answer, but you may want to monitor that post as well. Good luck. Saint.

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