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The Dutchman

The use of salt and "sugar"

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I am talking about the sugar crystals that senkosam sells. I have checked the previous threads where people were testing them. I have been taking regular table salt and flouring it, Now I bought popcorn salt and will be using it as is with senkosam's crystals. Now my question, has any of you "perfected" a formula for using these to make sticks. I usually use 6 oz. plastic. Any info on using these together (a formula) would be appreciated. Thanks, Joe

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I only use Senkosam's "sugar" flakes along with salt in my sticks!!! The sugar flakes add a great dimension to the sticks and really make them soft!!!

The flakes allow me to stir a little less as they keep the salt and other glitter in suspension better.

I can look at my recipe tonight and post it up for you. I know I start with 4oz of plastic and 1 1/2oz softener but can't remember how much popcorn salt and sugar flakes I add... Getting old :D !!!!


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Sorry it took me an extra day but here goes:

I use 4oz of M-F plastic, 1 1/4oz M-F softener, 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon popcorn salt and 4 teaspoons of "sugar flakes".....

This recipe will make about 16 sticks in the 5 1/4" size...I add an extra 1/4oz softener when I make the 4" sticks as they seem to be a little more stiff without it....

Try it out and see what you think...At least it will give you a jumping off point and you can go from there. I have made some with more salt for a guy that was fishing some deep cliff banks (40+ ft) and I had to add more softener with those as well...


PS I usually stir between each stick and almost always will re-melt the first stick as it usually does not have enough weight to it....

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