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Waterdog wanted!

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Try page 15' date=' 16 & 28...Might be close to what you are looking for...



PS Craw...you are going to have the PETA people all over you after molding all these critters :D !!!!

Thanks for the link! Hate to sound dumb but here goes...What's PETA? Some animal rights group or something? The way I see it, thousands upon thousands of crays and waterdogs are sold for bait each year. I only need to sacrifice one to make thousands upon thousands of lures thus conserving the natural resource :D

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PETA= a bunch of bloody yahoo's.... type in fishing hurts on google and you'll see the BS they're handing out out our local schools here in ontario they'll hang out on kids school grounds and pass out pamphlets that say "you're dad is a killer" and other assorted crap..... man i'd love to hang them by there "junk"


just wanna say thanks chunk, for doing all those molds up, it's motivation for me to make a few myself.... gonna pick up some DAP plaster of paris (bubble free it says) and have at 'er!!

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The best I ever found was Johnson's Paste Wax and believe me I have tried it all. Been in a pinch though for the tutorials and can't seem to find any locally. Silicone rubber like you get at the hardware store seems to work pretty good but does not release as easy as paste wax and it's hard to see where it's been applied. Get some paste wax! It just requires a fine thin coat. Be very careful to not get any on the molding object as it will be a place in the cavity where sealer might not stick.

About plasters...this Ultracal 30 is so dang hard I can barely work it. Might be best to make masters from regular plaster or RTV silicone and use this stuff for the production molds.

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When it's green' date=' you can carve it with your pocket knife. Get slow and you go to the Dremmel and carbide burrs. :)


I hear ya :lol: Need a full master with pourspace molded on to lay in this stuff so no carving is needed!!! I really like the way it ends up though, smooth and no plaster dust off on your hands or table.

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