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Senko/Sticks Salt to 502 Ratio Problem

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I've been scrolling through all the Salt Senko questions. I'm based in Australia and have to use ground table salt (popcorn salt isn't available anywhere I can find). I Mix 1/3 cup Salt to 1 Cup of lurecrafts 502. The plastic hardens significantly to the point where theres very little flexibility , my question to you senko experts is

Is the hardness a result of plastic hardness, to much salt or the salt not being fine enough. I'm trying to get a firmness and grainy feel like the yamamota ones and from what I've read alot of you use a lot more salt than I do, any advice would be appreciated.

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I think the 502 formula is WAY too tough, even for a senko replica. You might try going with Lure Craft's 536 with the same salt mixture. If you still lack the flexibility you desire, you can always add softener to it. In your case, I doubt the hardness is due to the salt, but more the plastic.

Good Luck :)


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Chris has that one.

The 502 is a tough plastic and not a good one for starters to try.

I have done quite a few with the 536, and it has done well. You will find yourself adding more salt to the 536 to get the texture that you want.

Only thing is, you will stir more since the salt will fall faster in 536.


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Thanks I thought this might be the case, I imported truckloads of colors etc and the only thing I didn't import was softener. Does anyone know what the shore ratings of these plastics are, I have found a local supplier of plastisol here 1/4 gallon costs $20 Us. Apparently the plastic is shore 10A which is supposed to be very soft, I'll probably use that for my Senko style only.

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a fine powder otherwise it does not mix well and causes the bait to be hard and inconsistent. I just use a blender and it does a good job. I also found that a ratio of 3 ouinces of salt to 7 ounces of plastic gives good results. Hope this helps.

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