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Plastic pot substitute

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Im not into the plastics but in looking at casting equipment, have you guys looked into pots used for wax casting? most are able to pressurize, They lack a stirrer. I bet you guys could have a hole grilled in the top even if it was a glass lid and mount or epoxy a gear motor for a stirrer. Just thought I would share. I have seen a few cheap on ebay and they look very nice. They are used for jewelry casting

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Im talking about this kind of pot. Like I said I have just been poking around looking at jewelry casting equip and have seen a few of these pots go cheap.

I have no real interest right now to doing plastic. I had a mold made about 1 year ago and was looking around and I talked to del, and bob's and 2 or 3 other places. My mold lure are only about 5/8" long and I think the mold holds 16, It would take me all day to use this much plastic. I have a 50cc glass syring for that. I just thought some of you others might find this type of pot may better suit you.

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