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New full round stik mold technique

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I came up with this idea a while back and puchased some silicone mold making agent and finally got around to trying it out .

I had a friend with a lathe turn me down a prototype Senko type bait with no rings or segments (smooth tapered sides) and a cone shaped sprue on the end sized to fit into a piece of PVC pipe 3/4" . I put the proto-type bait master in the PVC pipe tail up and poured the silicone in . After setting up I de-molded the master from the silicone which took more than time than I anticipated . I used dish soap to lubricate the master and was finally able to pull it out of the new mold . It came out a perfect duplicate . Since it worked I am planning on making a rack to hold several of these single round molds in a row for fast pouring . Probably easier just to buy one of Dels molds for stiks but if you want a custom full round mold of your own design this works - Jigmeister

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I have the mold set up to pour with the sprue end at the top with the mold sitting verticle . as the plastic is slowly poured in the the air escapes by rising upward as it is displaced by the plastic . The first prototype I made was made of hand shaped balsa that I coated with devcon to seal after shaping . I wasn't happy with the outcome with that one so I had my buddy make the next proto out of delrin plastic since thats what he had available . I coated that one with epoxy to eliminate the machining marks

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