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Joe S.

Business Question

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I notice a lot of you guys offer a tremendous amount of colors, my question is do you actually have stock of all those colors in each style of bait or do you just make the more popular ones and then whip up the not so popular ones by order, I mean I have seem some that offer close to a 100 colors. 8O

Just curious

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I don't stock any colors!!! I pour fresh with every order and have 57 colors with 12 additional flake colors you can add.

I rarely get a junebug or watermelon order anymore. Most want to add a little silver holo or another flake color to make the bait unique.

Helps me get a few more customers for sure but it is a pain sometimes to have 10 bags of all different custom colors.


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I hear ya on keeping them fresh, must take up a lot your time though having all those colors options, I would asume you would pretty much be pouring everday, or every night. I only offer a few colors in each style, and keep a small stock, 2-3 packs of each unbagged then bag as ordered, so maybe one day or two out of the week I can realx if I'm lucky, or spend just a little less time pouring a night or two out of the week.

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Ya Joe....Every night!!!! Unless the boss (my wife) has other plans.

I usually do the night owl thing after the kids have gone to bed. Kinda nice to have a little "me" time but it gets tiring at times also.

Maybe one day I can build up a little stock but I don't see that happening anytime soon!!! Everybody is in the spring rush and the orders have not stopped rolling in!!!


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The big temptation with this is to try to discover a color that no one has and that causes a person to "over-do" the number of colors. As a salesman you want to be able to say to perspective customers that you can produce almost any color they want.

Then you look at some companys that carry 7 million colors(lol) and in the back of your mind you say if they can do it so can I.

I usually carry a small amount of stock for the more popular colors; but never more than 100 of each.

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