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Lure Craft experience?

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First, just want to say thanks to all that hang out here. I have been lurking about three weeks, and have been enjoying pouring my own baits the last week or so. I learned how to get started from you folks and am grateful for my relaxing new hobby. However, my dilemma

Note** Decided to return here and revise this post. The short version is I was unaware of how quick Lurecrafts service was, and prematurely whined about not hearing from them. In no way was I disappointed, as their product arrived about the time I expected an order confirmation. I owe them my loyalty at this point. I can say pouring their plastic has been great. So far excellent results. I will be ordering some more supplies pretty quick. RR

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Great company to order from. I emailed them last night after hours and my message was returned at 7 am this morning. I think they are closed on Saturdays. Due to the volume they handle, it is a little unrealistic to think that they are going to get the chance to respond immediately to any inquiry, especially during peak hours.

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Thanks, guys, for the responses. Due to the glowing descriptions posted here I went with them. I am just nervous, I guess, since I sent my credit card # by fax and got no confirmation. I have no doubt of their integrity, this is not about that. This is not a bash session at all.

I am just a hobbyist amongst pros here so I'll just have to take it slow and keep learning. I've made enough toys to last me a whole season as it is already. I just need some plastic to keep playing. Thanks again to all. RR

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Well, I sent an email asking for confirmation of my order about an hour ago. Boy do I feel sheeepish now. UPS just dropped it on my porch!!! I never had any contact with anyone but, that is pretty darn quick service.

I would just like to apologize publicly if anyone got a bad impression of LC's service. I will be able to buy with confidence in the future. Thanks Kim, (I promise not to be a pain in the future, lol).

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Just a patriarchal note here.

First, thanks for the public apology. It helps a lot.

It's best if you have a problem with a supplier to keep the problem private. I know very few people, especially suppliers in this business, that would want to have any dissatisfied customers. They rely on word of mouth advertizing, and make a relatively meager living at it.

When you hang a problem out in public, it causes hard feelings that will never contribute to the solution. Almost always, it will cast a negative image back on you, damaging your reputation. It just ain't worth it.

An exception would be where a problem could quickly and negatively affect anyone involved. For an example, go read Ghostbaits post on Wal-mart generic zip lock bags.


Jim seems to have the corner marketed on how to unexpectedly raise a stink, literally. :lol: Maybe his nickname should be something line schnoz, or proboscis.

I hope Jim can forgive me. 8O


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Consistently bad service given to too many customers deserves a bad rep. When Dave had LC, the bad service to some of us was noted and notes were compared. Some of us have had problems with Calhoun's plastic and compared notes on this forum. It is a consumer's perogative to ask others if they've had the same problem and then act on it if the company doesn't respond.

People paying for products and services, will we go where they can get the best of both and as far as I'm concerned, three strikes and you're out, but only after three strikes and the company has been given a chance to rectify the problem and take responsibility if if the wrong.

Granted, some people never have a problem with a particular company's products or service, but a rep consists of the good and the bad, and people want to know how much of each to save time and money. It's the reason I don't purchase much from BPS anymore and I'm not alone.

Sponsors are not sacred cows, including me, but do deserve a chance before getting to third base.

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There is no company in the history of man that has a completly; 100% positive reputation. That, my friends, is a certain impossibility.

No matter how much a company tries they will never achieve that reputation.

That is just the nature of the beast.

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Raising a "stink" and trying to help others avoid an issue I have experienced are two different things jm.... Bags hardly are a controversial subject...

You all know you will hear from me when I raise a stink!!!!!! :D

Seriously though...a forum is not just for nicey, nicey all the time...sometimes tough subjects bring out great insights and I, for one, am not worried about taking on a nickname over something like that...

The forum has rules where you can and can't go...respect those and let everything else fly..... As long as it relates to making baits!!!!


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Jim. I was referring to the actual bad smell, as in baby diaper odor in a baggy, and strange drips into the plastic from the microwave.

I believe I pointed out the wall-mart baggy thing as a good example of exactly what you're talking about, helping others on the forum.

Thanks for the heads up


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Senkosam says it best - "Consistently bad service given to too many customers deserves a bad rep." Many times people try and post problems about PRODUCTS and it doesn't turn into a pissing match until vendors turn it into one.....

I have ordered alot of my stuff from LC since a fall out with another company. They ALWAYS get my orders to my door within a week. They have no problem supporting there products and will ship samples to serious buyers. I choose to order everything over the phone and they are great people.

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My consensus is that LC an MF are outstanding plastics!

The super soft from both companies are perfect. They stay clear, poor like water, lower pouring temps, minimal smoking, no fading of colors, baits stay consistent texture i.e not turning rock hard two weeks after pour, product stays consistent order after order, and great people with great customer service sell it.

Being one state away from LC makes the shipping worth while so thats who I choose.

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Senkosam, I have very little experience, but have been very pleased with my LC pastic. (Check out the deal they have on (4)seperate 1gallon jugs. You save on shipping versus the 5gallon bucket). jmik26's description pretty much says it all. I was happy with their glitter, too. (I see you sell it also).

Dad, I tried to put a happy face after my post, but it didn't work. I'm glad you took my reply in the humor intended. Your reputation is apparently you are very stubborn with a point you are making. (More humor). RR

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