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Powder paint drip

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Check out this link:


It gives you tips on using a fluid bed to paint jigs. It has a link to the instructions that has a listing of all the curing temps for Pro-Tec powder paint. The most common cause of dripping paint is too much paint being applied to the jig. If you have any other questions, let me know.



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First off, how do you know your oven was 350 degrees? Suggest you get an oven thermometer.

Second, if you put it on too thick, it's gonna drip. Make sure that powder is fluffy when you dip the jig, and dip it for the minimum amount of time.

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without know your process, I can only guess. Assuming you are heting the jigs well enough for the powder to coat them (to hot of a jig will cause too much powder). I have never had my oven at 350 degrees. I personally think that is to hot. You have to remember that different colors react differently to temperature. What kind of oven are you using? Are your jigs close to the heating element? I finally figure out that if I used a bakers pan and made racks above the pan, no direct heat would get to the jig and my problems were long gone.....

Give more details on your process and I will try and help.


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