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tubes help

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Here is how I do it.

Check out the last page of the cookbook for formula of salt and plastic

1. Heat the plastic and salt in a 2 cup pyrex in the microwave until it is the consistency of syrup

2. Add glitter and scent

3. Dip the rod into the plastic for the length you want the tube. Stir the plastic with the rod and make sure it is evenly coated.

4. Remove the rod from the hot plastic and let it drip back into the pyrex cup until it stops dripping and turn rod the rod up.

5. Let it cool and redip again only about half the lenght of the tube this time.

Hope I haven't left anything out.


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so basically, you dip the hollow portion more than once for the thickness factor, and you don't dip the entire thing more than once because the top part is the skirt? Then you just cut that part into skirting... If this is correct I think I understand making tubes better than ever before. Also what size rod is appropriate???

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I use a breadloaf pan,on a hot plate,to maintain the heat of the microwave prepared plastic,then dip the large rods horizontly.The rods are made of copper pipe,with a handle that it is 90 deg to the pipe.Simple,and you don't need a lot of plastic.It is faster than it sounds,and color changes are a snap.

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