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how do i make senkos(i have everything i need to make them)

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i have 536 plastic,popcorn salt, my dyes and glitter, and pro cure scents... i made one batch earlier but i cant remember the recipe...i think i might have scorched the plastic also...it didnt look discolored but it smelled so i ordered all 3 pro cure sauces....i want to use 1/2 cup of plastic... so how much salt and scent and when do i add what? and how long do i heat in microwave.....the mold i have is an aluminum mold like dels but from someone else...but they are kinda hollow on top...they still work but is there anyway to fix this?



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All I can help you with is the microwave. With only 1/2 cup of plastic, it wont take too long. Try 30-45 second intervals on a medium/high setting stirring heavily in between. Heating plastic in a microwave can be tricky, but taking it slow seems to be the best way to avoid scorching and lots of air bubbles. The plastisol cooks from the inside out, so stirring is the most important because it evens the heat out. One time I cooked it for too long and just set it on the bench before stirring. i turned around and it turned black and started foaming like crazy. The stench was terrible and you dont ever want to have clean that mess up..... :oops:

Good luck with the senkos.


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but they are kinda hollow on top...they still work but is there anyway to fix this?


is your mold 2 parts (2 halves)?

the plastic will shrink somewhat as it cools, thats probably why you are getting a hollow tip.

about the only thing to do is to fill the mold completely.

I have a bait that takes about an ounce of plastic & i had to make a pouring hole about 2 inches deep & fill it completely, to accomodate for the plastic shrinking. As the plastic cooled it pulled more needed plastic from the pouring hole.

hope that makes sense. :?:)

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The senko molds are fun, easy and fast to pour.

I use a 25% salt and 75% plastic (536 or calhouns with softener)

If I use my 1cup pyrex to pour with its easier to go 1/4 cup, and then add plastic to 1 cup line.

I cook for 1 1/2 min on high, stir/ repeat.

Usualy about 4 mins you will have it cooked all. If it is a flourescent color, the color should have been added first, but standard colors can be added any time.

If you over heat the plastic and add your glitter you will burn the glitter when you add it and have nothing to show for it. With the added salt the glitter needs to be more to see it. (1/2 tsp+ )

Let it stand for a few minuits, and stir while waiting. You will feel the salt leave the bottom of the cup and be in the plastic.

Add glitter,

tip the mold to the side alittle, pour slowly, and fill to the top.

The plastic may shrink and pull inside the mold, so be quick to top off if this happens.

Fill all cavitys, set to the side a few moments,

open the mold and bring that critter into the world......

Your the proud daddy of a knock off!!

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Can any of you guys tell me how long it takes for an aluminum mold to cool? I assume those things get super hot and they take longer to cool as you go, but I'm trying to figure out how many molds I would need to purchase to prevent any down time. There's nothing I hate more than waiting for plastic to cool before I make the next pour. :|


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Well Chris, I have 4 of the 4.25" molds, I can pour about 5 times in each mold before it gets pretty warm. To the point that its uncomfortable to touch.

What I keep doing is wearing my mechanics gloves so I dont burn my fingers off.

If you put them in cool water while they are assembled they do cool down faster. Just make sure that you wipe the mold off before you brake them down.

You know you dont want water in the mold when you add your plastic.

With 4 molds you can really crank them out, after you fill the last mold, you start to clear the first molds, then after emptying all the molds start it back over.

Evrey 5-8 min's I have 16 items made. Much faster than silicon molds.

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