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Red website suggestion

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for the knowledge base.

Make a separte forum copy and past all the old knowledge base stuff in there, turn the CPMS forum id for that particular forum on.

then it will show on the front page. one trick( if you want to call it that) with VB is if you read a post and it has really good information in you click that post and then click copy to ( pick the forum ie knowledge base) and it will copy it there leaving the the org in the section where it was org posted for replies.

Make the knowledge base forum you want to make read only so it doesn't get loaded with questions and replies.

you can make a few different forums ie hard baits soft baits etc. and do it with each one.


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red with VB you dont have to do anything special, thats whats nice about it.

for example all these forums are private, people can read them but not post.


by selecting the number of each forum in vbcmps for each forum the thread automatically goes to the home page and is still in the forum.

Is its kinda like a line gives you x amount of information than puts a read more click which takes one to the forum where that post is. I call them teasers on the front page. kinda gets one attention.

that forum section is also visable so people can read other threads in there.

its a 5 min set up at the most, just a few clicks. make it so the mods can add to it also. I use it on all my vbulletin forums and its great for stories or news.


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yep, we have about 6 hidden forums now, one being the KB tutorial forum, the CMS system we were using with phpbb (MX) would only post an announcement of the tutorial in that forum, the actual full data was stored in an add-on mysql table that MX threw into the phpbb database.

Unfortunately VB will only import standard phpbb tables & didnt recognise the gallery or tutorial table made by the MX cms, so myself or another volunteer will need to retrieve each tutorial & repost it into the KB forum, then we'll pipe it into the VBcms for access from the homepage.

Thats one great thing about the VBadvanced is that it dont alter or add to the original VB database, only reads.

you wanna volunteer Del? winkwink :)

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Yeah I will help you out I dont have a problem with that....

if your data base is intact, upload php nuke and point it to that database (then you can grab the posts off) I had to do that on the three big boards I have, when we swapped them to vb.) some of the html will have to be changed to bb code.

DONT ALLOW HTML on any posts in ANY forums in VB ( trust me )

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