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Calhoun's Plastic--Soft or Medium?

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Hey there, I have no experience with Calhouns, however, I just recieved my LureCraft medium #500. It definitely takes a little longer to get to the point of pouring than the regular softer #536. Since I pour for myself mainly, I like my swimbaits really soft and pliable. The ones I pour for my friends, I use the tougher formula. Any help?

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I plan on mostly pouring the Javallon type lures .

is this the jointed swimbait one ?

I am going to pour those next week, I was figuring adding 1oz of softner to 8 oz's of 2101 plastic on that bait.

I am going to try the bait out next wednesday afternoon at the lake to make sure the mold worked good and the action was there. Its an awsum bait and I think poured in the right colors and size, it would kick some serious butt in tournys.

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