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Javalon Swimbait

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Bob cut it...Zack drew it.... Not sure if the Javallon's are really what you want though. Have you tested them??

I have had several colors/sizes and not caught 1 fish on any!! After some research, I have noticed that most of the fish cught on these baits are on a down-shot (drop shot) rig and NOT by swimming the bait.. Not a popular rig for many anglers here to fish in the US. The ds for these would be very big including a large hook...

Just my 2 cents....


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I wasn't all that impressed with them either. They do work but I find that they have to be worked faster and with heavy weights to be worth much. I essentially use them as a reaction bait and nearly wake them over grass and along weed edges. I haven't drop-shot the rig but not a big fan of all that plastic for dropshot reasons. I caught a lot of stripers using them on 1 ounce jig heads below tailraces also. They are an easy bait to mold if one doesn't mind doing it themselves.

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Thanks for your opinions, makes me feel better about losing this mold for under $40. Maybe I will buy some of these already molded and see if I can produce some lunkers.

I tell you Bob is doing some dam good work! You guys see this on ebay. That mold looks great! Cross between a beaver, otter, and paca craw. Wonder how the action is? Thanks again....Jeff

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Legs kick a little but wait unitl you see my version of the spped craw soon.. WOW!!!! Thanks on the pics. I am getting ready to shoot all my baits in the outdoors. No lighting issues or cropping issues!!!

The small BUGz are really made for jig trailers or on a finesse head like the giggy heads or my StandUp headz... I'd be glad to send you a bag of "samples"!!!! Always have extras you know!!! Plus I am good friends with the guy that pours them :-)


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i haven't used the Javallon, but used the knock-off (exact replica) by Lake Fork, and it worked great in smaller lakes. It did best trolling it, cought some ok black bass. It helped locate the bass. I am going to try it out in a bigger lake tomorrow, maybe have good news.

I am also looking for a mold for it. Anyone have and information on some?


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the mold is a pain to make and make it work for hand pour guys, as most of the top piece is contoured. more work means more price about double of what a regualr swim bait mold would run.

I got one and played with a few variations of it the problem is if it doesnt have the arc on the top just right it spins like a SOB. making that arc on the top piece is were the cost comes into play.

you also have to make them so they pour with little to know trimming. Guys dont like to buy molds were you have to trim in 5 different spots, nor do I blame them.

They cannot be poured through the nose with the same thickness of the org bait, that has to be opened up big time so it will pour all the way to the tail. if the web thickness is double( which would be an absolute min to pour if your lucky) the bait swims wierd, any bigger and it doesnt swim and does weird stuff and spins.

no all that being said, make one with POP (Plaster ) or silicon and they will pour fine through the nose. I know silicon does and I was told by one of my customers that plaster does as well but I have not seen the plaster one.

Silicon tends to flow the plastic through smaller openings rather easy alot easier than Alum. I don't know if its due to the slipperyness the smoothness or the heat it holds but RTV does pour alot easier through small openings as compared to Alum.

I got them in alum, I am not 100% happy with them, I am definatly not happy with the price that I need to sell them at. Once I can get them under 200 bucks then I will be happy.

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  ghostbaits said:

I have had several colors/sizes and not caught 1 fish on any!! After some research, I have noticed that most of the fish cught on these baits are on a down-shot (drop shot) rig and NOT by swimming the bait..

is it a joke?

It' s the BEST lure i've ever fished with specially for pike and bass.

they simply cannot resist this lure.

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