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disappointed in flex coat

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I bought some flex coat and finding it disappointing. The biggest draw-back for me is that it takes forever to cure, some of the pieces were still tacky after 8 hours! The directions say it will begin to get sticky in 2 minutes, two hours is closer. Also, it goes on very thin which means I will need two coats instead of one with the Devcon. It does dry clear and shiny but no better than the Devcon. Think I will stick with the ole-faithful, Devcon!!


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Make sure you are mixing the flex coat accurately using syringes. It does not mix well if not exactly 1:1. Also make sure you are using the High Build formula, it is a little thicker, still will need multiple coats. This is actually a good thing for crankbaits, adds durability, and allows easy wipe out of detail if you paint,coat, paint,coat,etc.

My flex coat is usually so thick at the end of 15 minutes that it can't be brushed on any longer. It will run, thus the need for a turner. Cure times are right on...about 8 hours or so.

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