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Calhoun observation...

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Well I finally started using my Calhoun plastic. I added about 1/2 cup of softener, I like the consistency (thanks Chris). What I noticed however, was that the Calhoun shrank more then the LC when it cooled. I don't know if it's because of the softener or if it's just the plastic. Not really a problem, but one bait I pour has a tail section no wider then the middle of a Q-tip. So if I don't get it completely full it could cause a problem.

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Hey Jake,

I actually use more softener than that if I'm not pouring with salt in the mixture, which requires heat stabilizer. If you don't use stabilizer, you might try adding another 1/3 cup of softener and I'll bet that makes a world of difference for you. (I'm assuming you're talking about a 1-gallon jug of plastic).


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